In a message dated 4/13/2007 1:19:06 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

> In a message dated 4/12/2007 2:48:22  P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
> From:  FairfieldLife@ FairfieldLi FairfieldLife@<WBR>yahoogr  
> FairOn Behalf Of shempmcgurk
> Sent:  Thursday, April 12, 2007 1:18 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@ Fairfie 
>  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Amma's sex scandal
> > 
> > Values are relative. You are more  offended by organizational 
> systems being
> > applied to  enable someone to give as much as possible, however 
> >  little,
> A 3-second "hug" in order to break some record.  
> I don’t remember noticing that on the Darshan DVD, but I assure  
you that Amma
> ’s primary motivation is not record-breaking. She  did sit there 
for 24 hours 
> straight on that occasion. The thing I  noticed was the amazing 
look on her 
> face as she came down the  stairs after that stint. 
> I've never held back my criticism of the TMO  on this forum, as you 
> know. But, as I've said countless times,  whomever MMY may or may 
> be didling doesn't change whether the  TM technique works. It does. 
> Does hugging by a guru work?  Let's see the research on it. 
> I suppose you could measure brain  waves. People who can see auras 
tell me 
> they can see big changes  when people go for darshan. But the hug 
isn’t the main 
> thing.  It’s the overall transformation that Amma seems to 
inspire in people.  
> Methinks you a bit sensitive, Rick, for one who is responsible for  
> 100-odd page file of allegations against MMY and countless  posts 
> which you accuse him of sexual improprieties (all from  heresay, 
> you) 
> Not heresay for me, since I spoke  with a couple of the ladies. 
> when I point out the obvious shallowness  and, yes, materialism 
> of Amma. 
> Obvious to you. You didn’t  answer my previous question. Have you 
ever met 
> her in person? Do  you live in Toronto? She’ll be there this 
summer. Probably I 
>  will too. Would love to meet you.
> And, yes, values are  relative, as you say. The "little" (your 
> not mine) that  Amma and her "organizational system" gives pales in 
> comparison to the  not billions but trillions of dollars provided 
> another  "organizational system":, the U.S. government in social 
> programs and  international aid. 
> True, but she makes a difference in areas where no  one else is 
helping or 
> their help is inadequate. Tsunami relief  (she’s done much more, 
more quickly, 
> than the Indian  Government), pension funds for widows, a program 
to reduce 
>  suicides by Kerala farmers in debt to loan sharks. More here: 
> __http://amma.http://amma._ (http://amma.http://amma.) 
<_WBRhttp://amma.WBRhttp://a_ (wbrhttp://amma.http://amm_)  
>  (_http://amma.http://amma.<WBRhttp://amma.http://amm_ 
( )  . And these 
efforts are twofold. Seva helps the people helping as 
>  much as it helps the helped. 
> But, gee, I seem to recall that 
>  every chance you get, Rick, you bad mouth the U.S. 
> I do? I don’t  think so. Find a post where I’ve done that. 
> In Rick's defense I  have been on the forum for three months and 
never heard 
> Rick  badmouth America. If anything, i think Rick has been humble 
with the  
> challenges that have been forced onto him by the TMO. And may I  
add many thanks 
> to Rick for providing a forum of free speech  which MMY has not 
> Ammachi seems very sincere in her  work. I have witnessed several 
saints from 
> India and she just's  hugs and hugs without any complaining. Her 
service to 
> humanity is  most impressive. I haven't seen the DVD yet. I am not 
one to give my  
> whole life up for the Guru and renounce everything for someone  
else but the 
> world needs more love and Ammachi is providing it  regardless if 
her followers 
> are making a sports game out of it or  not. Our main concern as 
> leaders of the world is to  choose leaders that are filled with 
wisdom and concern 
> for  mankind. The Goddess seems to be fulfilling that desire and it 
is so  
> wonderful to watch Mother Divine do her work without asking for  
anything in 
> return. Love and Light. Lou Valentino or  Lsoma.

Your ability to hug and/or love effectively is based upon your  level 
of consciousness. That USED to be Maharishi's message (he's more  
into selling peanut butter today). But I think that's the most  
appropriate response to what you write above.

Hey, by all means go  out and "love" the world to death. All you need 
is love? Nope. The road to  hell is paved with good intentions and 
good intentions get fulfilled more  and faster the more your 
consciousness is developed.

Waiting in  line for 7 hours to get darshan from some Indian peasant 
no matter how  enlightened she is and no matter how many soup kitchens 
she opens isn't  going to develop consciousness on the level it needs 
to be developed here  on planet Earth.

But if that amuses you, then go ahead and have a grand  time. 
> Calling Ammachi a peasant is short sighted. Look at it this way-If the  
leaders in the fields of politics, medicine, religion and education would  
encourage their citizens to meditate in the first place MMY, Ammachi, Mother ,  
SSRS, Deepak, etc would not have to work overtime to sell this to the public.  
humanity wants to raise the vibration to a point of world peace they need  to 
get moving on it then spend the time pointing the finger at those who  are 
trying to create a better world with unbounded patience I might add. If  
can teach their children to take pharmaceutical drugs everytime their  body 
hurts or their nervous system gets stressed then they can hug them daily  and 
educate them about sp ritual techniques and knowledge. Then the lines for  
Ammachi will get shorter. Until then she is needed and is doing a great job of  
trying to hold this planet together along with her fellow teachers. Love and  
Light. Lsoma.

>  ************  ****  ****  ************<WBR>*********
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