Social services?  Yeah, I've got a report on a mom who needs some help
here.  She is experiencing a high level of depersonalization and she
may not be mentally fit enough to care for her kids.  She is at the
"neglecting meals" stage of abuse and I don't think we want to find
out what comes next. You can send someone over?  Great thanks.

This is human tragedy dressed up as spirituality IMO. It really upsets
me to think of kids being subjected to this.  

--- In,
> Barry writes snipped:
> Exactly. Even though I've had a few strong "past-
> life memories," my suspicion is that it isn't a
> phenomenon related to "memory" of a "past" event
> at all. It's more of a shifting of my attention
> such that two *simultaneous* lifetimes occuring
> in timelessness are perceived simultanously, from 
> the point of view of one of them. The only thing 
> that makes one of them seem "past" and the other 
> "present" is this illusion of time and our sequent-
> iality within it.
> TomT:
> One of the ladies here shared her awakening in the following way. She
> told her kids she was going upstairs to meditate and would be back
> down soon to make them panckaes. The kids were doing the weekend
> morning cartoons and were happy. A few hours later one of the kids
> comes to the door and asks Mommy when are you coming down and make
> pancakes? Mom realizes that every lifetime past present and future are
> laid before her and she doesn;t know which one she belongs in. She
> asks the child what name adults call Mom and of course the kid goes
> into gee mom stop the funny stuff. Mom persists and the child finally
> mentions her proper name. At that point she had narrowed the number
> from a very large number to about at dozen. She then asks her child
> what is your name and again the kid does the Oh Mom stop with the
> funny stuff. Mom persists until the child gives Mom her proper name.
> She then realizes she is down to about 6 liftimes that fit. She asks
> the little girl do you have any brothers and sisters. Again the child
> is beginning to think Mom is around the corner but says yes I have a
> brother and a sister. That puts the number down to 3 and then Mom asks
> the child the names of the brother and the sister and again the child
> is really having trouble with Mom but gives up the names. At that
> point Mom knows where and what liftime she is in and all the memories
> come back. Mom then gets up and makes pancakes.

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