In a message dated 4/20/2007 1:14:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I thought Stalin had solved this pesky problem decades ago. We can
call  ours the Permanent Summer Camp for Socially Awkward People. 
Although,  considering the lack of history being taught, we might get
away with using  "Gulag" again. Just tell them its were Britney did
her rehab. 

( ,  "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
( ,  MDixon6569@ wrote:
> >
> > 
> > In a message dated  4/20/07 6:39:12 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
> > shempmcgurk@  writes:
> > 
> > It is reported that VT killer Cho had once  stalked a campus girl 
> and 
> > that he was arrested but that  she refused to press charges.
> > 
> > Had she pressed  charges, do you think that could have had some 
> effect 
> >  on him? Could it have led to him being evaluated and put in a 
> better  
> > position that he had been in to get help?
> > 
>  > As such, do you feel that the girl who refused to press charges 
>  > contributed to the horrible events at VT?
> > 
> > Yes  , her compassion, if that is what it was, backfired.
>  Actually, there were at least two stalking incidents
> reported to the  campus police. After the second one,
> one of Cho's roommates called the  police again to report
> that Cho was talking about committing suicide.  At that
> point he was taken by police to an outpatient  psychiatric
> facility for evaluation, but legally they couldn't  do
> more than hold a few counseling sessions and prescribe
> some  medication. They urged him to continue counseling,
> but he  refused.
> The point being that he was in the best possible  position
> to get help but wouldn't take advantage of it. It  isn't
> at all clear whether the woman pressing charges would
>  have made a difference.
> He then managed to stay under the  radar until the rampage.
> Even his roommates didn't have any further  warning that
> he was going to blow, even when they saw him that  very
> morning, and by that time he'd apparently been planning
>  the shooting for at least a month. 
> It is amazing that the law enforcement in Virginia handled this with  such 
stupidity. I have a feeling that after the funeral is over many parents  will 
be questioning why after two students had been murdered on campus the  first 
person they would have thought of is Cho. After all he is the only  student who 
had records with the police station for unusual behavior. They  called it an 
isolated incident and let the classes continue as normal. They  should have 
had an immediate lookout for Cho and told all of the students  classes are 
canceled and to go home. A very poor handling by law enforcement.  I predict 
suits will follow after the funeral is over and that the hired  body of private 
investigators will cover the Virginia police departments ass.  Lsoma.



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