Came across this on nonduality.com/perfect_brilliant_stillness.htm

Does anybody here know Suzanne's story( short ) first hand?

But in another sense it made the impact greater, and without
preparation the body/mind was thrown into a kind of chaos. For this
reason I find Suzanne Segal's account quite poignant; there is a deep
appreciation of what she went through. Although in a sense she had
more prepara-tion than in my case, having trained in Transcendental
Meditation with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, still it did not seem to have
provided her with the necessary parameters to comprehend the awakening
when it happened. Perhaps even more significantly, she was not
provided with any meaningful support after it occurred, and spent the
next twelve years with psychotherapists engaged in "an all-out effort
to pathologize the emptiness of personal self in an effort to get rid
of it." 

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