My feeling and intuition at present;
  Is that we are in a phase on earth of a spiritual emergency...
  So many things happening at once, and dark forces Vs. Light.
  The pain & anguish- in Iraq is becoming so horrendous, it cannot be 
  Therefore, whatever means necessary, that Maharishi, has taken at this time, 
are completely necessary.
  If the pundits are being paid $30 a month, so what?
  I got paid $25 a month, when I worked staff, at MIU?
  But, I wasn't there to make money-
  Otherwise that would be pretty foolish.
  So, in my humble opinion, whatever means Maharishi finds necessary,
  To purify the world at this time, is well worth it.
  As far as Maharishi protecting himself, from the chaos of the world...
  He is 89 years old. If Bevan, and John and whoever else screens his calls.
  He needs to take care of himself, and not get involved in the bickering,
  Of political power.
  There is enough political bickering, right now in this country,
  For ten thousand years of bickering.
  So, if you want bickering,
  Watch some political tv shows.
  MSNBC, seems to have the market now on bickering.

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