I was going to write tonight from Nirvana, but I've
decided against it. I was there earlier and lemme
tell you...no matter what you've heard in all of 
those spiritual books, Nirvana is *way* overrated.

I had been looking forward to kicking back in the
environment the ads proclaimed as "Sitges' Best
Chillout Bar," surrounded by Buddhas and drinks
with little floating lotuses in them, but Noooooo.
It turned out to be a tightass bar, full of young
upscale Spanish youth longing to "chillout," as 
the ads had invited them to do, but somehow 
lacking the knack. 

So I moved back to the Bar Pay-Pay. The Waitress
With The Legs Designed In Brahmaloka is not here
tonight, so I might just be able to write a little
something about Nirvana, even if I'm not there.

Nope. Not a damned thing.

Wouldn't it be a kick if Nirvana the spiritual 
goal turned out to be a lot like Nirvana the bar? 
You struggle and struggle for lifetimes, performing 
weirdass sadhanas like bouncing on your butt on 
slabs of foam, and after eons of Class-A tapas like
that you finally "reach" Nirvana...and it's like 
the bar of the same name in Sitges? Full of stuck-up 
people who came there looking to chill but who never 
quite mastered it? Bummer. 

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