--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> "in the Vedic Tradition, there is a magic, which is a simple, 
> thing, but it works like magic."
Nice read. With Maharishi speaking about uncovering silence I was 
reminded of something I was observing at some point this morning, 
either on the way to work or just before leaving, where my senses 
and mind were just thick with silence, and with each thought I would 
experience the thought first subtly in its pure form, without 
ownership. And then as I began to appreciate all of it, it would 
begin to try to subtly twist and change in my mind, as the subtle 
senses inherent in the thought began to magnify and try to charm me 
as the thought expanded, and I saw that if I were to go with that 
momentum, take ownership of it, I could mutate it as it were, and 
create something that appeared to serve more and more just my own 
limited interests, or, on the other hand, if I just continued to 
watch it, silence thick within it and surrounding it, it would just 
subside again into the thick pool of silence, and in a little bit, 
another would take its place, and the whole process would start over 
again. I was practicing watching the thoughts come up, blossom, and 
then before they became 'mine', letting them subside, all the while 
enjoying the tangible and pervasive nature of the silence.

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