"I" sees through both "my" eyes.  I sees through all 100 trillion 
eyes on this planet.  So what's the use of yet another pair of eyes 
to see with, unless it's to check out what the binocular perspective 
from that moving point in the universe is like.  

Being yet one more hot squidge of granodiorite cooling off in some 
crack in the mantle 70 miles below Mt. Shasta is just another way to 
experience what Is, too.  Or moving into a garden apartment in 
Sitges, busking on the sidewalks in DC, walking the trails in 
Fairfield, pounding out more code in San Jose, or offering flowers to 
the lotus feet of another monkey that looks more like me than I do 

It's all play.  Just wonderful, tragic, frustrating, sad, tedious and 
exquisite play.

Have to say that FFL seems particularly sweet this morning. Thanks 
for that.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "claudiouk" <claudiouk@> 
> >
> > "constantly crossing and recrossing the gap of ignorance" might 
> > therefore that something is lacking in UNITY? Never saw the sense 
> > the purpose of life as "expansion of happiness" by going into 
> > ignorance.. if the happiness is in the return to Unity, why 
> > off in the first place??
> Because happiness is the return to Unity, enriched by the 
experience of 
> non-Unity. How else can we "expand happiness" except by moving it 
> where it (apparently) wasn't? How can we learn and grow if not 
> creation, through stories? Now on the other hand, if you wish to 
> that in truth we *don't* actually learn or grow, that Isness is all 
> there ever Is, you'll get no real argument from me! :-)

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