I loved this movie.

And I'll say "Mea culpa" as well because I did NOT want to see this 
movie.  But my neighbour browbeat me into seeing it (she had seen it, 
loved it, and upon hearing my protestations just kept saying: "see it 
and THEN we can discuss it!"  

Why was I so negatively predisposed?  Because of Michael Moore and 
his hatchet-job style of "documentary".  I was convinced this was 
going to be the same kind of biased, selectively edited, one-sided 
big lie...as virtually every one of Moore's movies have proven to 
be.  My back was up and I was certain "electric car" was going to be 
along the same lines.  Or, worse, it would be another "An 
Inconvenient Truth" probably the most vile, evil, untruthful piece of 
filmmaking ever made.

But I was wrong.

Sure, there was a bias to this movie.  But it was neither a huge bias 
nor was it covert.  And the other side to the story was quite fairly 
presented. AND MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: it ended on such an upbeat, 
positive, inspiring note.

Bottom line?  From a common sense stance and the limited information 
I have,  I must agree with the movie:  the PLUG-IN HYBRID is the wave 
of the future. What an exciting concept!  It makes me want to go on 
the internet and find out what the status of this great technology is.

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