That is good off_world, assuming the placing of TM peer-review is 
peerless or that brainwaves & such measures an enlightenment as such.

Of course an irony in is that the glossy brainwave charts that were 
held up, posted up, & used (touted)for so long to demonstrate something 
about the 'TM'sidhis was taken from advanced buddhist practitioners who 
had come to MIU for courses and learned the TM-Siddhis.

Quieting the mind with TM is one thing possibly.  Where is the chart 
that shows the light of the Purusha resident in the heart, body & mind 
complex of the human experience?  Enlightenment may just be more than 
about charts of galvanic skin resistance and the mind transcending.  
Could the TM-fundies consider that?  They are kind of entrenched and 
dull on that.

I am glad you are here taking up their cause, like a public defender of 
the faithful.

God bless you, 

-Doug in FF   

--- In, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Below is the Anti-TM Fundies' Dilemma that drives them crazy, so they 
> ignore it and go off making crappy jokes to each other, or changing 
> the subject to Cajun Cooking Tips or some other nonsense:
> There will never come a time when Science (research published in peer-
> reviewed scientific journals) will be superceded by New
> Age self-agrandizing dribble. This is the reality of life. This is
> the modern world. You need to accept this new realization to become 
> liberated .
> OffWorld

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