--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> ME: The fact that any discussion is going on at all seems like a 
> thing to me.  I certainly am enjoying it.  The quality of the his 
> is just above the "you are a poopy pants" level, but perhaps we can
> collectively raise the bar here.  I don't think anyone here wants 
> person to stop doing MMY's programs, so we might be able to have a
> discussion without the same need for personal attacks.  I'll bet I
> wont be able to be pure in this regard...but I'll give it a shot.
> HIM: Doubt, Disappointment and Rejection are most damaging to the
> nervous system (Maharishi said).
> ME: Without giving any content to what is doubted, but criticizing 
> mental state itself, it can be applied to anything.  Let's apply it 
> the doubt this person is experiencing concerning Rick (and others)
> sincerity concerning their changing perspective on MMY and his
> teaching.  If we take MMY at his word then this person must stop
> doubting that we are being sincere and since it is so open ended, he
> should even stop doubting our conclusions because of the harm it 
> cause his nervous system.
> But this is not really what is meant.  It is only stated this way to
> avoid how it sounds when we spell out the actual meaning as he is
> using it here.  What must not be doubted is MMY's intentions or his
> teaching specifically.   What must be rejected is any other teaching
> other than MMY's.  
> As far as not being disappointed, WTF?  Disappointment is  just an
> emotion  often caused by the gap between our goals and our
> achievements.  It helps us know when we are on track.  The only way 
> avoid it is to lower your goals so far that you always achieve them.
> As far as being disappointed in other people's behavior, this is
> caused by our expectation of good from someone and there lack of
> living up to what we expect from them.  I would rather start by 
> a person an excellent reputation to live up to and then let the 
> fall where they may.  But if you see everyone as a self-serving
> asshole you might be able to avoid ever being disappointed in 
> person I guess.  (it sounds damaging to the nervous system)
> HIM: In considering the intrapsychic mechanics of what took
> place in Rick (and others) I would guess (because, of course,
> I don't know) the real issue with Rick and other seekers (I
> would classify them as seekers again, as they were before
> they had Maharishi), is that it all began with doubt (that
> sprung up due to expectation)--which led to disappointment,
> and in Ricks case being asked essentially to leave the
> movement--rejection.
> ME: Demoted to a "seeker"!  No longer a "knower".  All because Rick
> expected something which caused doubt leading to disappointment.
> (I'm guessing that these ideas comes from John Gray.)  Although he 
> tries to position himself as a humble person: "I would guess 
> (because, of course I don't know)" this is just spin.  This is the
> guy who already demoted you to "seeker".
> ME:  So although there is no evidence for Rick being angry,
> frustrated, rejected, vengeful and attacking, he knows this
> a priori about Rick.

Hmm, sorta the way you "know a priori" that the
guy is not being sincere when he asserts that he
is just speculating, huh?

Try this as an exercise: Assume for the sake of
argument that he *is* sincere that he is just
speculating, and that he's saying *if* it's the
case that Rick's disappointment and doubt has
led to anger and frustration, Rick might well
manifest those emotions by apparently rationally
questioning MMY's character.

In other words, is that a plausible psychological
scenario? (Not even necessarily for Rick but
for people in general.)

I ask because the rest of your post appears to be
based on your assumption that this person has
concluded that *this IS the case* with Rick, as
opposed to speculating that it *might* be the case
with Rick. You seem to be reacting to what you
characterize as a firm conclusion, when the guy has
explicitly said it's *not* a conclusion.

Why is this guy's doubt about the basis for Rick's
questioning of MMY's character (i.e., coming from
anger rather than rationality) any different from
your doubt about the guy's sincerity that he's
only speculating?

(Caveat: I'm not arguing in favor of his speculation
about Rick, just pointing out that you're doing the
same thing you accuse him of doing, making assumptions
without any evidence.)

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