Well, I know I will get bashed for this, but this whole discussion is
a clearcut example of a stupid discussion, a seriously stupid discussion.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > Judy: Fine. But my point was that Curtis didn't
> > address the plausibility of the scenario.
> > Instead, he bashed the guy for purportedly
> > attacking Rick on the basis of no evidence,
> > after having decided--on the basis of no
> > evidence--that the guy wasn't telling the
> > truth when he said he was just speculating.
> > 
> > Me: You missed my point completely.
> No, Curtis, sorry. Your point was obvious.
> I was making a different point.
>   I wasn't commenting on
> > his truth telling, I was disagreeing with him and his personal
> > attack on Rick instead of dealing with issues Rick has raised.
> Yes, Curtis, I know that's what you were doing.
> But the only way you could do that was to claim
> he wasn't telling the truth when he said he was
> speculating.
>   You didn't understand
> > any of my previous response did you?
> Yes, Curtis.  Sorry, your points were obvious.
> I was making a different point.
>   Your point does not matter.  The
> > speculation point is your own weird fixation that completely
> > missed the point of the conversation.
> No, Curtis, sorry. Your points were obvious.
> I was making a different point.
> You just don't want to deal with it.
> > Judy: I was making a "meta" observation about
> > *Curtis's* post, not addressing the validity
> > or lack thereof of the guy's analysis.
> > 
> > ME: Yes you were trying hard to find something wrong with
> > what I said so you had to focus on an irrelevant point. I
> > have a pretty good idea why you are so invested in defending
> > a person who makes personal psychobabble comments about a
> > person personally instead of talking about the intellectual
> > points raised...ad hominem arguments are not valid.  Is that
> > clear enough?
> (Says Curtis, indulging in ad hominem.)
> No, I wasn't defending the guy in my posts
> about your post. I pointed that out explicitly.
> I was criticizing you.
> > Judy: In my experience, Curtis tends to get all
> > hoity-toity about folks not sticking to the
> > evidence while he often does exactly the
> > same thing he's criticizing.
> > 
> > ME: Yes Judy I am both hoity and toity.  Your point about
> > evidence is, as I already pointed out, irrelevant since I
> > was using his own words as the basis for my opinions.
> It was directly relevant to *my* point. You claimed
> he was "just spinning" when he said he was speculating.
> But you had no evidence for that. Your whole analysis
> was based on the notion that he was attacking Rick,
> saying that this *was so* about Rick. He said explicitly
> that he *didn't know* if it was so.
>   He was the one who suggested that even
> > though Rick didn't seem to express his list of negative emotions he
> > still had them.  You are the one who is making a big deal about
> > evidence, my point was about personal attacks instead of discussing
> > ideas.  You missed my points completely in your weird focus on an
> > irrelevant point.
> No, Curtis, sorry. Your points were obvious.
> I was making a different point.
> > The most interesting thing for me from this exchange with you
> > is what you have chosen to focus on in an otherwise interesting 
> > discussion. Once again you have missed the main points of the 
> > discussion
> No, Curtis, sorry.  Your points were obvious.
> I was making a different point.
> > while you
> > pursue your own inexplicable agenda.  Good luck with that.
> Not at all inexplicable. I've explained it at least
> three times now. It's also a point I've made before.
> You just don't want to deal with it.

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