--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
> <willytex@> wrote:
> >
> > TurquoiseB wrote:
> > > Bingo. What you focus on, you become.
> > 
> > From: Judy Stein
> > Subject: Re: Good bye
> > Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
> > Date: 2003-11-07 07:00:34 PST
> > http://tinyurl.com/ynv9bn
> > 
> > Barry sent this post to me via email to make sure I 
> > wouldn't miss it.  I responded briefly and politely, 
> > only to find that he had configured his account to
> > block email from my address. That pretty much takes 
> > the cake for chickenshittery, in my book.
> LOL. 
> T'would seem that my post yesterday about
> trolls has the resident troll here working
> overtime.  :-)
> This particular tempest in a pisspot was
> resolved long ago.

Needless to say, Barry's version of what
happened is seriously misrepresentational.
Among many other points, I did *not* know
that his account blocked all email; and
what I was referring to as "chickenshittery"
was not the content of his email or his post,
but the fact that my email to him was bounced
with the message that *my* account
specifically was being blocked.

He also misrepresents how long I was "gone"
from alt.m.t, both right after I left and
longer term. I stayed out of all substantive
discussions for well over a year and posted
only in response to posts attacking me in
absentia, which died down after awhile.

And if anybody does read the posts, they'll
note that it wasn't just Shemp I was upset
with; they'll also most likely understand
*why* I was upset.

Barry obviously went back to review the posts
in question, so he's well aware of what I've
pointed out above.

 Judy stormed off of a.m.t.
> in a snit, so upset about Shemp's beliefs after
> years of TM that she expressed doubts about TM's
> overall effectiveness. I actually believed that
> she had done what she said, and left a.m.t., so
> I posted a note to the group and copied her on
> it in email suggesting that she might find some 
> answers to her announced dilemma in Tibetan 
> Buddhism, because of its emphasis on compassion. 
> If you're silly enough to follow the tinyurl link 
> above, Judy's "I'm leaving" post is #28. My reply, 
> which is the one she refers to as "chickenshittery," 
> is #29.
> As for her claim of "chickenshittery," that email 
> account was blocked to ALL traffic. I used it 
> *only* to post to a.m.t. and other such spamtraps 
> on Google. As it turns out, Judy knew that, and 
> had already made at least one post some time 
> earlier acknowledging that she knew it. So this 
> was Just Another Opportunity To Feign Indignation. 
> This is documented in post #36. Her gracious
> apology is in post #37. She stayed "gone" from
> a.m.t. for less than 24 hours.
> And now, back to the ongoing attempts by the Troll 
> From Texas to start more arguments. As I suggested
> yesterday, he's probably lonely, and this is what
> he *does* when he's lonely. Personally I think that
> masturbating would be more effective, but that's
> probably just me. 
> And if Judy chooses to respond to this by trying to
> reopen the old argument, I might suggest the same 
> practice to her.  :-)

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