Ya just gotta admit, this letter would never have
been published in any other small town newspaper
in America. You guys live in an interesting place.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This was printed in the Fairfield Ledger as a letter to the editor a
> couple of months ago. I found it rather amusing and saved to scan 
> and post when I got the chance:
> East, north doors good for happiness
> To the editor:
> In Katmandu, Nepal, ancient vastu temples with east doors have
> survived earthquakes while other buildings in the city have cracked
> and fallen down.
> In the movie Passion a temple is torn asunder by the earth opening up.
> This letter will discuss the explanations as to why vastu architecture
> with east and north doors is good for health, happiness, and
> enlightenment.
> Every building is made from a blue print.
> A seed contains the DNA which is in the sprout and in the plant. The
> DNA is like the blueprint of the plant.
> The "blueprint" of the cosmos is the unified field of superstring
> theoretic physics.
> From this blueprint are constructed atoms, solar systems, and galaxies
> by the laws of nature. Within the unified field, beyond time and
> space, are silent rotational symmetries. These are found to be
> expressed in the rotational symmetries of the "architecture" of the
> universe: atoms with revolving electrons, solar systems with revolving
> planets, and spinning galaxies, etc.
> The right hand rule in physics describes the rotational symmetries and
> directions of electromagnetism. In high school, we put our fist around
> a cord of an electric current: the thumb points in direction of the
> current, and the fingers curled show direction of revolving magnetic
> fields. Or if the fist is around a magnet, the thumb points north, for
> direction of magnetic field, and the fingers curl east for direction
> of electric currents. These rotational symmetries come from the
> unified field, like the sprout from the seed.
> By such quantum physics principles, Harvard physicist Dr. John Hagelin
> says homes with east and north doors are fortune-creating homes while
> homes with south aid west doors are misfortune creating homes. Hagelin
> says in east and north door homes there is orderly brain EEG, while in
> the south and west door homes there is disorderly brain EEG. EEG is
> the electrical activity between neurons in the brain.
> Orderly EEG is like the invincible superconductor current: cool,
> smooth, silent, eternally flowing, with memory. Disorderly EEG is like
> the room temperature electric cord: electrons are chaotic, hot, bumpy,
> with no memory.
> Again, Hagelin says, in a south door or west door home, the minds are
> as if spinning out of direction, and there are problems like
> confusion, arguments, indigestion, and sleep problems which create
> disease. In a north or east door home, on the other hand, the brain's
> orderly functioning creates smooth thinking and blissful feelings,
> with excellent memory, bright creative ideas and more loving behavior.
> Thus if a student wants to be valedictorian, capture the awards and
> scholarships, be a state championship athlete, be celibate, never get
> into any fights or arguments, honor his parents as scripture demands,
> get into an Ivy League school, and get into a noble career, science
> says he or she should move into an east door home.
> Musical instruments and singing is more harmonious in these homes.
> Sound vibrations can annihilate enemy's morale like Scottish bagpipes
> or as when the quark-lepton transformational vibration shatters to
> bits and pieces the indestructible invincible (?) iron proton which
> otherwise survives even nuclear blasts.
> EEG coherence (orderly brain) is correlated to higher intelligence,
> and higher moral reasoning (International Journal of Neuroscience 13,
> 1981,211-217 and 15,1981, 151-157.
> More orderly EEG is to decreased hospital admissions in all categories
> such as 55% less tumors, 87% less heart disease, 87% less neurological
> disease, 63% less injuries, 67% less musculoskeletal diseases, 65%
> less metabolic diseases (Journal of American Medical Association 1998:
> 279: 1200-1205, New England Journal of Medicine 1991: 324:370-376,
> Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 1992:41:783-787).
> Thus east and north door homes with more orderly brain EEG have more
> invincibility to disease and problems.
> If you have any questions, you can please ask Harvard physicist, Dr.
> John Hagelin director©invincibledefence.org
> Dr. Veronica Butler's study to be published in Journal of Social
> behavior and Personality this fall, found increased mental illness in
> south door homes, http^/conference, vedicarchitecture.org/speak-ers.html
> — Will Davis, Fairfield

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