vishvarupa wrote:
> Where is the proof?
I've been requesting this information for years, to 
no avail. All I've seen are emails posted here, but 
no actual evidence, only accusations by disgruntled 
former members claiming TMO status. From what I've 
read, the Marshy threw out the Beatles for smoking 
dope at TTC and he told Mia to leave after she tried 
to seduce him inside a cave one night. 

But, I wouldn't believe a single word from Alex Mardas 
or Conny Larsson.
It wouldn't upset me to find out about any of these 
alleged activities; Trungpa was well known for 
having relations with students; Osel Tenzin died of 
AIDS, Richard Baker of the San Francisco Zen Centrer 
once left a female student's shoes outside the door, 
Swami Rama was found guilty in a court after he was 
already dead, the Krishnamurti, the Sogyal and the 
Kalu have both been reported to have had girlfriends, 
Adi Da is probably a genuine profligate, and the Zen 
Master Rama, accdording to Uncle Tantra, used to have 
relations with all of his female students. Reports of 
inappropriate activities are rampant in ISKCON and ISDL.
So what? But obviously nobody here has any evidence, but 
some like to drink the kool-aid anyway. They've been in 
and out of cults for most of their adult life. What I 
can't understand is why some people continued to work 
for them for years AFTER they found out about them. 

In one case, a Barry actually put up posters for two of 
these guys and a Peter actually passed out leaflets, 
promising enlightenment in 5-7 years. 

Another, Bharat2, wants me to get into 'Power Touch Yoga', 
taught by a former Indian pilot and left-handed basket 
weaver, and Vaj the Nath is trying to get me to believe 
in a 'Celestial Buddha' who lived over a million years 
ago on a planet called Meru. 

Now a Ron and a Billy are extolling a 'Swami G' out in Los 
Angeles. I wonder what Swami G. is up to? Is he anything 
like 'Swami Boo' in that movie 'The Guru" with Heather 

Go figure.

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