--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone else notice the similarity of the
> Judyspeak below to the recent postings by Lisa
> and Joe? The *emphasis* is not on the relevant
> issue (in this case, whether TMers were ripped 
> off by fellow TMers), but on establishing the
> person who "thinks incorrectly" (in this case,
> Vaj) as a "bad person," a "liar."
> THAT is what Lisa and Joe have built their
> "career" on, while "defending" Sai Baba. THAT
> is what Judy Stein has built *her* "career"
> on, while "defending" Maharishi.
> It would be different, IMO, if, when confronted
> by a post critical of Maharishi or the TMO, Judy
> dealt with the discernible facts and ONLY the
> facts. Google away! Provide all the documentation
> in the world to support your stance.
> HOWEVER, when you can't leave it at that, and
> feel that you *have* to follow up the facts by
> trying to get everyone here to agree that the
> other person is a "liar," or "intellectually
> dishonest" or otherwise untrustworthy, THEN
> you have crossed the border into compulsive
> ad hominem, into "shoot the messenger."
> IMO, for Lisa and Joe, ad hominem is a way of
> life. They *live* to demonize the critics of
> Sai Baba. And as a result they have lost the
> respect of pretty much every forum they have
> ever touched. IMO, for Judy, sadly (because it's 
> a waste of a good intellect), ad hominem had also
> become a way of life. And Judy wonders why she
> "don't get no respect" here.
> And the saddest part is that all three actually
> feel GOOD about what they do. They see themselves
> as some kind of hero, fighting for truth, justice,
> and the American Way. 
> The day that Judy can respond to the facts and
> *leave* it at the facts, without including one
> of her "zingers" at the end of the post urging
> other readers to think of the person she's 
> debating with or refuting as a liar or a fool 
> or intentionally misleading, then I'll "promote"
> her to "aspiring hero." Until then, she's just
> a mean-spirited bitch who gets off on trying 
> to convince others that they should hate the
> same people she hates.

One last comment and then I'll drop it.

Twenty posts within a 24-hour period. 
EVERY ONE OF THEM a clear attempt to get
other people on this forum to think nega-
tively about one or more posters on this
forum who have disagreed with Judy Stein.
EVERY ONE OF THEM an attempt to get others
to "pile on" and add to the demonization.

Not a single post that "added value" or
discussed anything the least bit substan-
tive or "spiritual."

As new.morning said so well recently, "Some
posts just don't deserve a response." Is it
any wonder that so few people bother to
respond to Judy's posts any more?

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