--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> >> > >> What's really amazing is that he uses the same
> > > > identical tactics over and over and *over*
> > > > again, without any success whatsoever.
>  "Rory Goff" wrote:
> > > 
> > > Actually, I think he's been *highly* successful -- he got
> > > you to bite yet again, didn't he?
>  "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > I don't think you're reading what I'm writing,
> > Rory. Try again:
> > 
> > > > He's been trying for *years*--here and on 
> > > > alt.m.t--to get people to stop responding to
> > > > me by pretending that "so few people bother to
> > > > respond to Judy's posts any more."
> *lol* Yes, it reads exactly the same the second time around. Funny 
> about that! I (still) understand what you think he wants; you 
> he's unsuccessfully trying to get people to ignore you. You may be 
> right; I don't know. Now, do *you* understand what *I* suggested? 
> Instead of merely repeating it, I will try rephrasing (see below).
> > > Perhaps it's not really so much about whether or not other 
> > > respond to you, but whether or not *you* respond to *him*.
> > 
> > Rory, with all due respect, you're not exactly
> > tuned in here.
> You're right! I'm not tuned in to agree completely with what *you* 
> are saying. It's not that I didn't understand it; I was offering a 
> different look at it. To rephrase: I am suggesting that what Barry 
> *says* he wants, and what he *really* wants, may not be the same 
> thing. He *says* he wants people to ignore you; what he may really 
> want, is to continue to engage you, to "nip" you -- to do whatever
> it takes to irritate and get a rise out of you, virtually 
> regardless of the seeming content of his posts. If so, I'd say his 
> tactics appear to be working beautifully, and have been *for 
> years*. N'est-ce pas?

If so, yes, but it's not so. You've got what he says
wrong, which is why I said you weren't tuned in.

What you got *right* is that what he says he wants
isn't what he wants.

And what he says is contradictory. So it's no wonder
you haven't quite been following it all.

On the one hand, he says people shouldn't respond
to me. This part is actually true; he wishes
people wouldn't respond to me.

On the other hand, he *also* says explicitly (this
is the part you're missing) that he wants me to
respond to what he calls his button-pushing. This
is the part that *isn't* true. It's designed to
embarrass me into not commenting on his posts.

Seriously, now. If you were Barry, would you want
me to comment on your posts?

Of course, on other occasions he also professes
great frustration at my "trashing" his posts.
That's another one that's actually true.

When you've been exposed to Barry over a long
period, you catch on to the pattern, because it's
repeated over and over. The only way he knows how
to deal with people is to try to manipulate them.
That has never worked with me. But he really has
no idea how to do anything *else*, so he just
keeps doing the same things.

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