jstein wrote:
> So he apparently dropped her off at Madanapalle
> and continued south.
Maybe so, but I think Marshy got the idea to actually 
go to the South from the other sadhu - before that it 
was just a thought. The other sadhu actually gave Marshy 
the impetus to go. 

According to Robert Hollings, "One day, while meditating, 
Maharishi had the thought that he should go to a certain 
village in India. He had no idea why he should go there, 
and at first he just ignored it. However, the thought 
persisted, and eventually he decided to mention it to 
his companion.

Apparently, this same thought kept coming to Maharishi 
over quite a long period. The first time that he 
mentioned it, the other replied that it was just a 
meaningless thought, and it would pass. However, it did 
not pass, and although Maharishi hesitated to bring it 
up again, he eventually did so. When this had occured 
several times, the companion eventually said that 
Maharishi had better go to this village, and then he 
would see that there was nothing there and could come 
back to meditate in peace" (Hollings, 1982).

"This is holy ground," his companion said. "All the 
rest is just mud."

Work Cited:

'Transcendental Meditation'
An Introduction to the practice and aims of TM
by Robert Hollings
The Aquarian Press, 1982
ISBN 0-85030-240-4
p. 82 - 83 

Read more:

Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
From: willytex
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001
Subject: Holy Ground

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