--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > The only way he knows how
> > to deal with people is to try to manipulate them.
> > That has never worked with me. But he really has
> > no idea how to do anything *else*, so he just
> > keeps doing the same things.
> Uh-huh. Who has just been suckered into making
> 27 of her 35 posts for the week in only slightly 
> over 24 hours? Who is going to waste at least one
> and probably more posts answering this one, all
> the while claiming that she's not being manipulated?

(Says Barry, as he just keeps doing the same things.)

Ya just don't get it, Barry. I respond to what
*I* want to respond to, whether you want me to
or not.

As I said to Rory: If he were you, would he want
me to respond to his posts?

> And all because you felt the need to trash Vaj.

Actually not. Rather, because Vaj felt the need
to respond to my reminder of his earlier lie by
lying some more, again and again, compulsively,
about his faux-Google search, until he finally
got so strung out he became incoherent.

All of which served my purposes very well indeed.

> All he had to do was keep replying, and you took 
> yourself out of the game. After you've done "not 
> being manipulated" by this post, you'll be sitting
> in the penalty box for the rest of the week, still 
> "never having been manipulated."

Um, no, I'll still have seven posts left until I
take off again. And the ones I've used were well
worth it.

Boy, you're obsessed with keeping track of how
many posts I make!  Why is that, dude?

> THAT was one of Rory's points, the one you missed.

Um, no, I don't think that was one of Rory's
points. I think that was one you imagined.

What does it say about you, Barry, that you want
me to run out of posts? What are you so afraid of?

Think carefully before you answer that. You
haven't left yourself many options here.

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