--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajranatha@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On Jun 4, 2007, at 7:09 PM, authfriend wrote:
> > 
> > > > And all because you felt the need to trash Vaj.
> > >
> > > Actually not. Rather, because Vaj felt the need
> > > to respond to my reminder of his earlier lie by
> > > lying some more, again and again, compulsively,
> > > about his faux-Google search, until he finally
> > > got so strung out he became incoherent.
> > 
> > I pointed out the precise nature of Gratzon's book as it 
> > relates to 'do nothing, achieve everything', how he conceals 
> > principle with a catchy title
> <horselaugh>
> Right, Vaj. The title is "The Lazy Way to Success:
> How to Do Nothing and Accomplish Everything." That
> sure is a great way to conceal the principle, by
> putting it in the title of the book.
> > and how it links to literally hundreds of web sites.
> But none of that has ever been in dispute, of course.
> Here's the lie Vaj told:
> "if you do a web search for 'Do nothing and accomplish
> everything' the phrase is usually tied to get rich
> quick schemes."
> In fact, virtually every Google hit on the phrase
> is tied to Gratzon's book, which is not, of course,
> a "get rich quick scheme."
> What Vaj wanted readers to believe was that there
> were multiple get-rich-quick schemes--pyramid schemes,
> Ponzi schemes, multilevel marketing schemes, real
> estate schemes, etc.--out there being perpetrated by
> TMers using "Do nothing and accomplish everything" as
> the hook.
> That wasn't true. Vaj knew it wasn't true.
> Now, the lie having been exposed, in desperation
> Vaj is trying to pretend Gratzon's book is itself
> a get-rich-quick scheme. But not only is that not
> what he said initially, it's not true either.
> Gratzon's book, as I've already noted, is very
> much along the create-your-own-reality lines of
> "The Secret," but geared specifically toward
> business. There are no "schemes" in it. It's pop 
> psychology/philosophy with mystical overtones.
> As Vaj knows, I hold no brief for Gratzon's
> approach. My only point is that it isn't what
> Vaj claims, a get-rich-quick scheme. Someone
> might well use the approach to attempt to get
> rich quickly, but that's quite different from
> what Vaj wanted readers to think when he made
> his initial comment.
> Nor, as Vaj also knows, have I ever suggested
> TMers have *not* been involved in actual get-
> rich-quick schemes, either as perpetrators or
> dupes. That wasn't what I was addressing.
> But Vaj has knowingly falsely claimed it was my
> argument, using all kinds of ad hominem: that I
> didn't know what I was talking about because I
> was only "on the periphery of the movement" (I'm
> not even on the periphery and have said so many
> times, but that's totally irrelevant to the issue
> of Vaj's lie), that I was a "course reject"
> (completely false), that I have led a "sequestered
> life" (laughably false), that I have "dissembled"
> and attempted to "suppress" something-or-other (by
> that time he was so incoherent I couldn't even be
> sure what he was accusing me of).
> None of this was true, not a single word, and Vaj
> knows it.
> > There was nothing more to say once the point was made clear.
> > I'd even go further and say that Mahesh's 'do nothing,
> > achieve everything' sales pitch is one of the more popular
> > new age gimmicks out there.
> Of course it is. It's been around practically
> forever in one form or another. That was never
> in dispute, Vaj's silly attempts to make it the
> issue notwithstanding.
> > Given my own first hand experience of the same phenom and
> > numerous others on this very list, it's pretty damn clear
> > what a dissembler, manipulator, red herring merchant and
> > liar you really are.
> > 
> > Not that I (or many here) were at all surprised. ;-)
> In his desperate attempts to confuse the issue
> so as to cover up the fact of his original lie,
> Vaj has piled lies on top of lies. And he's still
> at it.
I am beginning to think that "Vaj" means "House of Cards" in 

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