--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> This
> > is the part that *isn't* true. It's designed to
> > embarrass me into not commenting on his posts.
> Could be; I don't really know. Getting you to feel embarassed,
> I can see, because I've been there (see below). But to embarass
> you into not commenting? Maybe so, maybe not. How can we really 
> know? It would seem you are making him out to be a *total moron*
> if his true motive has been only to shut you up, since obviously,
> as you point out, this tactic hasn't even remotely worked in God-
> knows-how-many years.

He's a control freak, Rory. He can't help
himself. Has nothing to do with intelligence
or rationality.

> Now I *do* know that parts of us (or parts of me, anyway) indeed 
> appear to be essentially moronic, unthinking, repetitive habit-
> patterns that continually fail to accomplish the stated motives of 
> the larger self. But I've found on closer look that these habit-
> patterns are usually sustained because they *are* accomplishing 
> their own goals as best they might; they're actually quite content 
> with the status quo, and/or are afraid of what the alternative(s) 
> might bring them.

Sure, it's part of the whole "more and more"
paradigm--you go after either what brings you
more pleasure, or less pain.

 So that's my hypothesis here: that on the level 
> of the patterns doing the interacting, both you and Barry *are* 
> quite content with the status quo. The fact that this status quo 
> hasn't changed in so many years tends to support my hypothesis. In
> other words, it's what IS, so it must be Perfect! :-)

Well, yeah, everything ultimately is perfect,
so that isn't really saying much.

On the relative level, however, I know I enjoy
this forum more when Barry's not around; and I
suspect Barry would enjoy it more if I weren't

I'd enjoy it a *lot* more if Barry stayed around
and got a clue, dropped his phony act and chronic
dishonesty, started giving his intellect a real
workout instead of flabbily flopping around in the
shallows, took responsibility for what he said.
Then he'd be fun and stimulating to interact with
instead of being a pompous, boring pain in the butt.

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