--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There's a very odd resonance to it, however,
> that Rory will probably find of interest.
> A couple of years ago on alt.m.t, Barry took
> to referring to me not by name but as "the
> pig." That was amusing, to say the least.

Ah, another relaxing, rejeuvenating long
weekend, eh Jude? The kind that helps one
get centered and more able to...uh...live 
in the present? :-)

But if you're *gonna* live in the past, 
and attempt to suck others into it as
well, you should at least go back a tad 
further in the past, to the *genesis* of 
me referring to you as a pig. It had not 
to do with your porcine features or your
tendency to root around in the mud, but 
with your tendency to attempt to draw out 
arguments as long as humanly possible.

a.m.t.,  Mar 22 2004:
> However, it does seem obvious that to pursue the issue further
> would be beating a dead horse. I have said pretty much all I can
> say on the subject, and although I am pretty certain Judy could
> talk *forever* about it or any other subject, I have neither the
> time nor the inclination to hear it.
> For I really *do* believe that any further discussion (and since
> we are speaking of Judy here, read "argument" for "discussion"
> and "endless" for "further") is fruitless. An older friend of my
> father's used to say, "You can discuss philosophy with a pig, but
> it doesn't settle anything, and it only aggravates the pig."
> And yes, for fans of When Harry Met Sally, Judy is the pig in 
> this scenario.  :-)

For the record, I never meant to infer that 
Judy was a pig, per se. I spent some time 
growing up on farms, and I have more respect 
for pigs than to do that. Pigs *are* tempera-
mental, and may have their angry moments, but 
no pig in my experience has ever held a grudge 
for three years. :-)

How many posts are you going to waste trash-
ing me and Vaj *this* week, Judy? I find it
interesting that you returned to FFL to find 
it a veritable bastion of gentility, with nary
an argument or harsh word in sight. And it
took you less than two hours of posting to 
bring it down to your level again.

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