Judy writes: snipped
The thing about Brahman, as Ken Wilber points
out, is that It is "One without a second," One
without an opposite. If you say It is X, that
means It is not not-X, which gives not-X an
existence independent of Brahman; it gives
Brahman an opposite, a second.

Brahman is that in which both the Absolute and the Relative coexist
and that which knows that is you. You are the glue that can know that
both can exist and you are the only way that both can be know at the
same time. That is why it is called the ultimate paradox. on the one
hand is the relative (actually) and on the other hand is the absolute
(actually). That which is the only thing that can know both of them as
the singularity that is one without a second is you. Enjoy Tom

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