Tom Hickey answers this question in great detail in a book I've been
proofreading.    ONLY ONE IS  is the core truth of almost every wisdom
tradition.  But as TomT says  – only YOU can experience it.
 Tom HIckey is a very clear philosopher who has also experienced that
nondualistic state and as clearly as is possible  is presenting an
argument or explanation for those still stuck in dualism.
The book is now called Reframing Christianity. (Previously was
Periennial Philosophy & the Gospel of Thomas..... as the Gospel of
Thomas is the clearest thing in Jesus literature that advocated

 Philosophers basically study FRAMES. Tom shows all the differerent
factors that have lead normative Chistians to frame Jesus into the
Christian tradition.  In arguing that Jesus was really teaching the
basic core universal truths, Vedanta, Sufism, Kabbalah etc.  

It will be available for $10 electronically as soon as Janet can index
it in WORD & get it into a nice pdf & I'm sure of interest to a few of
you here.  It's a huge 550 pages & should probably be 3 different
books but am happy to have it coming out soon. 

--- In,
> Judy writes: snipped
> The thing about Brahman, as Ken Wilber points
> out, is that It is "One without a second," One
> without an opposite. If you say It is X, that
> means It is not not-X, which gives not-X an
> existence independent of Brahman; it gives
> Brahman an opposite, a second.
> TomT:
> Brahman is that in which both the Absolute and the Relative coexist
> and that which knows that is you. You are the glue that can know that
> both can exist and you are the only way that both can be know at the
> same time. That is why it is called the ultimate paradox. on the one
> hand is the relative (actually) and on the other hand is the absolute
> (actually). That which is the only thing that can know both of them as
> the singularity that is one without a second is you. Enjoy Tom

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