--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ron" <sidha7001@> wrote:
>  Those two things ( for me) are of the utmost importance in order for
> > significant progress- and emphasized- Sat Guru and one to one. For
> > those who have come across this, we can say that the universe has
> > offered a choice. Swami G 's general comments are this happens when a
> > sincere seeker is there, some may have one Guru in their journey, 
> some may have many.
> I don't know much about Swami G., but the one on one is very 
> refreshing, and I find her comments quite interesting.  Plus, what a 
> remarkable transformation you have had.  Excuse me for saying this, 
> but 2 years ago you sounded just like Nabluss, and nothing against 
> Nabluss, but he will defend to the T's any statement, and position put 
> forth by MMY, or the TMO.  Nothing wrong with it, but it is very 
> rote.  Here you sound like balanced, open minded individual dedicated 
> to the path.
> lurk
> > 
> >

I guess we can say shit happens. Swami G used dynamite with me
regarding the TM perspective but the dynamite rippled through in other
areas. Swami G explains ego is darkness, Sat guru is light. So, it
works out to useing what Swami G refers to as a velvet 2x4 = that is
what may be needed for the light to illumunate the darkness.

The ego may fight tooth and nail to hold it's thrown, but it surely
will have no problem holding it's thrown if it is going to be a
"cosmic ego"

See if you can find any sage like Ramana Maharishi talking about a
cosmic ego?

Ego is identification with body, mind, conditionings- it is the death
of all this, then who you thought you were- gone. When the body is
gone, ego, identification , conditionings are gone- is there something
left? yes, and that is who you are- it is the eternal IS, - This is
generally how Swami G would explain things.

So, I think in researching the great masters, they will say that a Sat
 Guru is needed, and they may say that working one to one is also
necessary. Otherwise, when one has some great experiecnes or samadhi,
then one thinks they have arrived, so they stop the sadana, then they
have stoped their chance at unfolding realization.

Sat Guru is One, so if I were to tout anything as part of my seva,
would recomend those two things- Any Sat Guru, and then one to one.
The thing is this is not easy to find but acording to Swami G, more
amd more Gurus are needed today as more and more are haveing
spontaneous Kundalini awakenings, then will this be directed so that
the greatest blessing in experienced as this is navigated for one;s
best interest? or will this go the way of a misguided and therefore
misunderstood expereience which can amount to big problems and even
hell for a person.

There is one Guru posting now in Muktanandas site, he is living in
South India and while Swami G has never met, and therefore can not
vouch for him, it is looking good so far. The last request I made to
him was to please have some of his sadakas forward their experiences. 

swami G is always interested to come across Sat Gurus because people
are spread out all over the globe, some may not have the finances to
travel, and if there is someone reputable to send them too, then
obviously great.


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