On Jun 12, 2007, at 4:24 PM, boo_lives wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajranatha@> wrote:
> > <snip>
> > > What I was getting from Ron and Swami G's comments was that since
> > > Mahesh could not be initiated as a swami--as Sw. G sees it from
> > > her direct experience being in that living tradition
> >
> > Au contraire, she claimed (incorrectly) that he
> > *could* have been:
> >
> > "He may claim to be a part of these traditions but no way
> > is he initiated into it. And once again let it be reminded
> > that the Math in the North is that of Giri. He most certainly
> > could have become an full initiate."
> >
> > This was quoted in the post to which you were
> > replying, Vaj. Wonder how you missed it and
> > decided she had said exactly the opposite?
> >
> > > --he would not be
> > > able to be initiated into the secrets of the tradition.
> >
> > > Nonetheless he acts as if he was initated by SBS into the
> > > tradition.
> >
> > In your *opinion* that is how he acts. But has
> > he ever actually made the claim?
> >
> > > If he didn't
> > > have the inside scoop on the tradition, he couldn't teach it
> > > nor could he be a line-holder. Therefore the story that TM
> > > was received from SBS is patently false. This is not to say
> > > that Mahesh or the TMO has not him-hawed around how and where
> > > TM came from: one hears different stories as to specifics.
> >
> > But not from MMY himself.
> >
> > But essentially one is left to
> > > conclude it's not a lineal transmission and there's some story-
> > > telling going on from Mr. Varma.
> >
> > Such as?
> >
> > > I should further add that the appellation "yogi" added
> > > to his name is also claimed to be false by one of his
> > > guru-bhais.
> >
> > This anonymous person claims MMY is not a practitioner
> > of yoga?
> >
> As she also mentioned the Naga Baba traditions - which are later
> affiliates of the Dasanami and indicated she is part of it:
> The contact i had to the Avahan Akhada,where also giving mantra diksha
> to ordinary western women who didn't even ask for it. my friend, an
> israeli woman said she received quite a long mantra, unasked, by a
> mahant of the Avahan Akhada, after she spend coniderable time in his
> vicinty. They are really trying o initiate people into their fold,
> that is making you a sannyasi. In Ujjain there where at least 200
> western sadhus alne with the Juna Akhada. But my point is this: Okay, > I admit that there are certain initiations that are kept secret, which
> in a sannyasi tradition you will get only after you are fully
> intitiated, that is, you are a sadhu. But for me a great master can
> shape the subtle body of a disciple by mere proximity. I have
> experienced this myself. If a master is great, he can simply give a
> transmission without words, if he feels a student is deserving. He
> wouldn't break a vow in this. While there are words only to be used
> for certain iniiates, this doesn't mean that the essence of that
> wisdom of a master couldn't be transmitted through other means,
> especially if this student has shown great dedication. Just imagine
> poor student Mahesh running around in the Ashram for GD, basically
> doing everything, organizing the procession for him at the Kumbh and
> all other places, but when it comes to the high teaching, Guru Dev
> would have to say - according to Swami Ganga: Sorry not for you, you
> are a mere Brahmachari, and you will always be in this order. Of
> course if MMY would have been intent of becoming a Swami, he could
> have simply done the next best thing and leave GD, run off at the
> kumbh or in Haridwar to any other sadhu and ask for initiation and
> there wouldn't have been a problem, just like Swami G. did, or btw.
> any one of us could do with success if you are o willing. But he
> didn't do it because GD was his master, and he was completely
> dedicated to him, served him for 13 years etc. So you think GD just
> dumped him, saying: you are not a Brahmin, you are only a Brahmachari?
> I find this logic ridiculous and even arrogant.
Who said anything about GD "dumping" MMY. Why is it impossible to
have a rational discussion with a tmo devotee??? There's a world of
difference between the assertion that mmy is not the formal successor
to GD's tradition and saying GD dumped him.

I certainly did not say that, nor did I mean to imply it. GD was said to be harsh of M. but never would have shunned such a devoted student.

The person who said that M. was not a yogi was actually one of the Shankaracharyas IIRC.

I would think common sense could also make this clear. If M. was a yogi, he could have easily written a brilliant book or even better a course with his sharp intellect. But this is clearly not the case. Instead they found a HS gym teacher to do so and those formed the sets used for rounding. I'm sure many here have the booklets (which now circulate in PDF form).

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