Come find the Beauty life has to Offer 
Be a Great Existence - 
What I was getting from Ron and Swami G's comments was that since
Mahesh could not be initiated as a swami--as Sw. G sees it from her
direct experience being in that living tradition--he would not be able
to be initiated into the secrets of the tradition. 
G he wouldn't have gotten into the deeper teachings. 
* Nonetheless he acts as if he was initated by SBS into the tradition.
If he didn't have the inside scoop on the tradition, he couldn't teach
it nor could he be a line-holder. Therefore the story that TM was
received from SBS is patently false. This is not to say that Mahesh or
the TMO has not him-hawed around how and where TM came from: one hears
different stories as to specifics. But essentially one is left to
conclude it's not a lineal transmission and there's some story-telling
going on from Mr. Varma. 
G clearly he was with Guru Dev and acting as Secretary - it is clearly
stated by some he 
Couldn't be initiated as a Swami because he is not a brahmin - and
following through with 
that if you are not a swami you cannot be a guru with diciples. So NO
Guru Dev is not going 
to advocate him to be a Guru. 
I should further add that the appellation "yogi" added to his name is
also claimed to be false by one of his guru-bhais. 
G well his guru bhais should know. 
Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . . Message List 
Reply | Forward Message #141249 of 141305 < Prev | Next > 
Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi . . . 
--- In, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>What I was getting from Ron and Swami G's comments was that since 
>Mahesh could not be initiated as a swami--as Sw. G sees it from 
>her direct experience being in that living tradition 
Au contraire, she claimed (incorrectly) that he 
*could* have been: 
"He may claim to be a part of these traditions but no way 
is he initiated into it. And once again let it be reminded 
that the Math in the North is that of Giri. He most certainly 
could have become an full initiate." 
G he could have become a Sannayasi if he had come in 
through one of the other 10 dasanami orders. 
This was quoted in the post to which you were 
replying, Vaj. Wonder how you missed it and 
decided she had said exactly the opposite? 
G because i did. 
>--he would not be 
>able to be initiated into the secrets of the tradition. 
>Nonetheless he acts as if he was initated by SBS into the 
In your *opinion* that is how he acts. But has 
he ever actually made the claim? 
G in holding up Guru Dev as where he get's his authority 
- he would be acting against his Guru's admontitions . Claim 
or no claim. You can't go against the teachings and traditions 
of that order and then hold to them as ones foundation. No 
matter how ceative you want to make the story about it. 
>If he didn't 
>have the inside scoop on the tradition, he couldn't teach it 
>nor could he be a line-holder. Therefore the story that TM 
>was received from SBS is patently false. This is not to say 
>that Mahesh or the TMO has not him-hawed around how and where 
>TM came from: one hears different stories as to specifics. 
But not from MMY himself. 
G doesn't matter he has the option of clearing the 
air - to not do so - and to have all these created stories 
about his being somehow held up to be a light to 
mankind through Guru Dev's admonissions this is 
not acting with integrity. And trust me he knew what 
press is being circulated. 
But essentially one is left to 
>conclude it's not a lineal transmission and there's some story- 
>telling going on from Mr. Varma. 
Such as? 
>I should further add that the appellation "yogi" added 
>to his name is also claimed to be false by one of his 
This anonymous person claims MMY is not a practitioner 
of yoga? 
G there are many facets of yoga. Yoga means union - 
a Yogi is one that is seeking Union with the Divine through 
one of the types of Yoga - could be Bhakti - Karma - Hatha etc. 
A Sannyasi is a Yogi. As a Sannyasi's sole focus should 
be on the path and heading towards Union. 
Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi
. . . 
On Jun 12, 2007, at 11:34 AM, authfriend wrote: 
>--- In, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> > What I was getting from Ron and Swami G's comments was that since 
> > Mahesh could not be initiated as a swami--as Sw. G sees it from 
> > her direct experience being in that living tradition 
>Au contraire, she claimed (incorrectly) that he 
>*could* have been: 
>"He may claim to be a part of these traditions but no way 
>is he initiated into it. And once again let it be reminded 
>that the Math in the North is that of Giri. He most certainly 
>could have become an full initiate." 
>This was quoted in the post to which you were 
>replying, Vaj. Wonder how you missed it and 
>decided she had said exactly the opposite? 
It depends on how you read it. Keep in mind this is casual speech
which already contains some casual errors. 
I read "He most certainly could have become an full initiate." as "He
most certainly could have become an full initiate if he had wanted to"
or "if he was a brahmin." Furthermore, since he wears white, it's an
indication he was not initiated into sannyasi. That's unlikely (vows
of sannyasi) because he was not a brahmin... 
G what it was during the time he was at that Math is really in dispute
- but i can say that 
Shivananda who is quite well known is a Saraswati Swami and he Does in
fact initiate 
those who are not brahmins. 
Perhaps Swami G could clarify so we'd be certain. 
However to corroborate this, the email also said: "It is not normal
for a Guru to entrust the innermost 
knowledge to a secretary." 
Also, the statement "He may claim to be a part of these traditions but
no way is he initiated into it." seems to support what I'm seeing.
Also the title "Giri" or "Saraswati" is not in his name. In fact the
title he did add, apparently on his own, "yogi", is known to be
G i can say he is not giving out the mantra which one is inititated
into - that is not 
being passed on - he was selling rather bija mantras - and this is
definitely not a 
part of that tradition. Neither do these orders make a buisness of the
path. So 
all of this is taken into consideration when looking at what he is
doing. How he is 
working - etc. 
Maha Shanti OM 

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