Thanks for the correction but I could swear she said in one of the 
videos she at least met her master near Rishikesh.  I also got the 
impression from the video that she didn't spend that much time with him 
(and he has passed on).   It took me 5 years to get commissioned to 
Swami and I can only do limited things like teach meditation, give 
shaktipat and perform certain siddhis including ones for healing.  My guru:

Ron wrote:
> Come find the Beauty life has to Offer 
> Be a Great Existence - 
> Namaste GuruJi, 
> Namaste 
> My Tantric Master was not from Rishiskesh but another part of india -
> what was learned 
> wasn't what the west terms a left hand path - it was this Sat Guru
> that also commissioned 
> me to go forward as a Guru. This was not done until it was established
> as to the state of 
> Realization. So yes i am fully authorised to be a Guru and in the
> Tantric traditions a 
> female Guru has more power than a male. ---- that is simply the way it
> is viewed as far as 
> tantra. 
> maha shanti om 
>   0 
> I don't know about these details but this looks like a good one to
> comment on for the others to see: 
> She learned tantra from a tantric near Rishikesh. There are not a lot of 
> rules on the left hand path as there are on the right hand path. 
> Tantrics also believe that anyone who becomes enlightened is a Brahmin 
> regardless of caste by birth. Westerners though go ga-ga over the right 
> hand path because they want to be become "holy" not realizing they can 
> become just as "holy" on the left hand path which fits much better our 
> western lifestyles though you do have to find a qualified guru. She also 
> has learned a lot of the same things that I learned from my tantra guru 
> and even makes a point about the common message you get from gurus in 
> one of her videos. 

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