For your information, the following post is Restricted. No
admittance to persons who might be disturbed by graphic
images of sex, violence, or other aspects of real life. 

Well, I finally saw "Grindhouse," and, although I enjoyed
it thoroughly, being a big fan of both Tarantino and Robert
Rodriguez, my first thought when it was all over was, "Man,
I really want to see the flick in the first fake trailer."

Well, it looks as if I'm not the only person to have reacted
that way:


I couldn't be more pleased. I love Danny Trejo. I met him
once briefly in Santa Fe, and a nicer, sweeter, funnier guy 
you'd have trouble finding anywhere else. It's just that he
*looks* so mean! This could make him a star, in the mold
of other not-particularly-good-looking stars like Charles
Bronson. And I just can't wait to see Cheech as a...uh...
priest with a mission.

I actually enjoyed the film a lot. And although Taratino's
is the better movie as movie, I enjoyed Rodriguez' film more.
He's funnier, and often gets better performances from his 
actors, because they love working with him so much. They're
having FUN, and that comes through in the final product. I
mean, few would list Rose McGowan as a great actress, but 
the sight of her camping it up as a one-legged avenger with
a submachine gun as a replacement limb was To Die For. 

Lots of blood and gore, natch, because the whole thing is an
homage to the genre of the grindhouse films, made with low
budgets and no stars and hoping to recoup their investment 
on sex and violence alone. But because actors love working 
with both Tarantino and Rodriguez, they got to make these 
grindhouse flicks with actors like Bruce Willis and Naveen 
Andrews and Nicolas Cage and Rosario Dawson and Kurt Russell. 
That said, my favorite performance in the film is by a first-
time actress (or at least one of her first performances 
*billed* as an actress), Zoe Bell. Zoe is a stunt woman. 
Suffice it to say she does all of her own stunts in the 
driving sequences of "Death Proof." It brings an element of 
credibility to the flick that is missing in many others.

The other "Grindouse" fake trailers:

And a few of the real grindhouse trailers for the 70s films 
that inspired this one:

And you wonder why I'm so weird. This is the sorta stuff
I grew up on. They'd be playing every weekend in a double 
feature at the local grindhouse theaters. Oh, for the
good old days of cinema...  :-)

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