I asked G to comment:

Dr peter: 
Perhaps MMY is speaking about a condition of mind and
 not pure consciousness. 

G there is No conditioned mind in Pure Consciousness. If that were the 
case then there is simply an intellectual knowledge being paraded as 
Pure Consciousness. 
Regarding the following post, I offer my comments:

Post:200% of life -perhaps that means 100% human along with 100%
enlightenment. I wonder if enlightenment is more simple than our

Tanmay: G said once you are there, it is never what you thought it was
going to  be. My thought is how complicated can it be if Ramana
Maharishi's cow and other animals were enlightened ?- what is it that
they knew about Madduchandas and devatas?

Following that trend, what is it that happens to the simplicity if it
is shrouded with circleing explanations that no one can understand- it
ends up driving one further down the road of confusion than the
clarity that rests in the simplicity of Being.

100% human- hmmm- I would say yes and no- You can fit that in with G's
comments, enlightenment is the life of all lives and the death of all

100% enlightenment- hmmm- it seems more like either enlightened or
not, just like one is either pregnant or not.

Typically sadakas think my Guru is the One, but the Sat Guru knows
'Sat Guru is One"- That One essence is either directly known or not-
one Guru doesnt have 89 percent, another 93 percent- it is all or
nothing, either enlightened or not. The Gurus talk of a deepening
within that Enlightenment- but you wont find Ramana Maharihsi at any
time talking about being caged in- He was covered with insects and it
had no effect on consciousness.

Main point to all of this is the Guru can take you only to the degree
that they themselves are, so this is the value in considering the
consciousness of the Guru and his sadakas. it is a mixture of the
grace in the path and wisdom of descrimination- each has their choices
they have to live with in the journey.

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