A couple of YS's are "interesting" from a linguistic 
POV. Some of those are, IMO, II 47

 sthira-sukham aasanam. 

and II 48


47 is usually translated to something like

 Posture (should be) steady and comfortable (Taimni).

The original suutra, "of course", doesn't contain anything
to suggest "should be". Word-for-word it's simply

 steady-comfortable posture (or stuff).

48 seems somewhat elliptic, even for a suutra. Seems
rather rare, that a suutra consist merely of the, we
guess, ablative dual form of a dvandva compound, whose
 components in turn seem to consist of tat-puruSa
compounds (prayatna-shaithilya, ananta-samaapatti) -
especially when a connector(?), usually 'ca' or 'vaa'
is "lacking". 

Why are we *guessing*, that the inflectional
case is *ablative* dual? Well, in Sanskrit dual inflection
instrumental, dative and ablative cases are identical
in form, ending with -bhyaam. So, it depends on the
context which one of those cases is in question (...aaarrgghh).

What gives? Well, if we combine those two suutras, 
the result is a "typical" suutra where the cause, or
whatever, of the topic is given in the ablative case. 

Thus, it would seem that for some reason PataƱjali
has "divided" a suutra that would make rather perfect
sense without being divided:

sthira-sukham aasanaM prayatna-shaithilyaananta-samaapattibhyaam,

which might be translated for instance to:

Posture (becomes) steady and comfortable by relaxation of
effort and meditation on the Endless (applying Taimni's translation
for 'ananta-samaapatti'). -- But of course we might be all wrong
with that...

(Now it's time to go see, whether Benefon Inc has finally
gone bankrupt...)

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