In a message dated 6/27/2007 3:27:51 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
> I remember seeing Ann for the first time on TV about five years ago.  Since 
then I have seen her several times on talk shows on every major network.  To 
me she has always been very heartless. Most women I know are not as heartless  
as she is. She is a young soul who thinks sarcasm is justified even when she 
is  saying very derogatory things about others. She laughs after each 
statement  showing she is just acting like a three year old. I think people who 
buying  her books should stop doing so. She has very little political class and 
makes  women look less than when it comes to intelligence of any kind. Lsoma.

,  "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Is it  ever appropriate to invoke a candidate's dead son in political 
>  commentary?
> _http://youtube.http://youhttp://youtub_ 

When  you're possessed with evil, as Ann Coulter is, anything goes...
She's  getting more and more out of control;
Yesterday, appearing on  'Hardball'-
Chris Mathews, at the end of the interview with her said, "I  can't get 
to the confessional fast enough, after this show..." 
Coulter  spews pure garbage.
Also, black nighty half naked look, seems to turn on  the youngins'
She's just using her power in the wrong way, and has allowed  herself 
to go down a dark road.



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