On Jun 28, 2007, at 4:48 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

>>  BTW I gave Sal the
>> example she challenged me for and so did  Shemp.

Well, let's see.  Bill Maher is a libertarian and has never been any 
kind of spokesman for or even identified with  the Democratic party, as 
far as I know.  And the Alec Baldwin quote is from 9! years ago, and he 
is neither a journalist, nor a writer, nor any kind of spokesman 
either.   The fact that he's written on occasion for the Huffington 
Post doesn't mean much.  Arriana Huffington herself is a recovering 

Still, at least you both tried.  The fact that that was all you could 
come up with speaks for itself.

> Just turn on Fox or your local Rush outlet and you can here the vague
> generalities all the time.  View Robert Greenwald's "Outfoxed"
> documentary where the generalities are clearly demonstrated from Fox
> clips.   Why do you want to affiliate yourself with members of the
> Fourth Reich which is what this breed of right fascism is about?   And
> do you really expect those of us who are progressives to just roll over
> and play dead?  You've been duped into voting against your own best
> interests.

That's the saddest part of it all, really, IMO.

> Bush and Cheney think they are dictators.  Do you really
> want to live in a dictatorship? 

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