Boy, that 35-posts-a-week limit sure has been
successful in making FFL a more pleasant forum,
hasn't it?

--- In, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jim wrote, obviously hoping to wound:
> > > "Just something to think about the next time you're 
> > > whining and moaning musically about how hard life 
> > > is on the planet for a rich white kid. Singing the 
> > > blues? LOL!:-)"
> Curtis replies, first calmly and precisely, 'splainin'
> to the white boy what the blues are really about, and
> then segueing back to his characteristic good humor:
> >
> > Defining blues as "whining and moaning musically" demeans the 
> > artists who described the human condition with such artistic  
> > precision, that we hear the echoes of their musical genius 
> > every time we turn on the radio and hear country music, rock 
> > or hip hop. Thinking of blues artists as only expressing their 
> > own cultural and racial realities of their time is a limited 
> > understanding of their artistic achievement,
> > which has completely transcended their time and place and 
> > permeates all modern music. Far from being treated "like dogs" 
> > they were the rock stars of their day and earned more in a 
> > Saturday night then the farmers who tipped them earned all week 
> > in the fields.
> > 
> > I played for a wedding today that was 90% black.  They gave me a 
> > note giving me permission to play blues if I am ever challenged 
> > by any ignorant white boy.  I'll send you a copy.
> There really couldn't possibly *be* any better example
> of the difference between Jim Flanegin and Curtis Blues.
> Jim believes that the things he posts *hurt* the people
> he's aiming them at, keep them up at night, "rile them
> up."

First, note that "hurt" and "wound" are
*Barry's* terms, not Jim's. They're also what
Barry attempts to do constantly, as in this

As to "rile them up," obviously Curtis *did*
get riled up by Jim's post, or he wouldn't
have bothered to post such a ringing defense
of his blues playing. Barry was likewise riled
up by it, so much so that he did his best to
portray Curtis's post as "just laughing" when
it was so obviously defensive.

> And Curtis just laughs -- at Jim, at life, and at
> those who have become legends in their own minds.

Oops, Barry's projecting again.

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