In a message dated 7/8/07 6:58:28 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Incorrect. It was entirely based on Bush et al's complete arrogance  
> about themselves as superior fundie Christians
> Prove your point.>

You first.

But, I will anyway,  even though I know your arrogance and cannot 
accept that Bush et al were a  bunch of bron again christians that 
believed that you are inferior and  will go to hell. This is the 
doctrine. You are going to hell for not  following them. Not only that 
oyu have to follow their particular brand of  christianity or you are 
going to hell. Now, I actually know someone who  grew up right next 
door to John Ashcroft and said he was a nice guy but a  fanatic born 
again christian. Bush, Rice, Ashcroft, Rove, are  self-confessed 
fundies and their doctrine is that god hates you, therefore  will burn 
you in hell forever (the greatest statement of hatred ever made)  Also, 
hundreds of inexperienced people placed in positions of authority  just 
because they attended that fat preacher's christian fundamentalist  
college (some of them involved the US attorney debacle for  example).

Now, let's see if you are capable of logic MDIXON:

as  does Carl Rove, Rice, Ashcroft, and many wealthy supporters of 
Republicans  are outright fanatics and you know it. Tedc Haggard 
claimed he coucelled  Bush on the phone at least once a week. Ted 
Haggard, in case you don't  know was a raving fundie making a lot of 
money from it, and who turns out  to be having anal sex and taking hard 
drugs with male prostitutes on the  fly. All these people claim to 
follow the born-again doctrine. That means:  If you are not with their 
particluar sect of Christianity then you are  with Satan and will go to 
Hell and burn eternally through Jesus' hatred of  you forever and ever. 
Now, I know you won't be bothered to do the research  to find this out, 
but this is the doctrine of the fundies. In addition,  Blackwater, the 
largest mercenary private army in the world (each one  getting paid 4 
or 5 times a regular military guy - you might want to tell  your 
relatives to leave the military and sign up for better pay with them  
eh?)...the person who started it and runs it is a rabid  
fundamentalist. Blackwater is highly active in Iraq as highly paid  

I also know you will try to avoid all this and change  the subject. 
This method of yours shows a great fear in you to deal with  things 
rationally. You know the doctrine, you know they believed it in  their 
arrogant years (Bush: I take the council of a higher Father - not  his 
own father, who was questioned the invasion of iraq). I believe these  
arrogant ignorant cowards have now waned in their beliefs but not  
entirely, and the NeoCons will decline, most of the big money comes  
from rich fundies. 


Sorry, you haven't proved your point . All you did was go on a diatribe  
about how you hate Christian fundamentalist. Was Clinton a Christian  
fundamentalist when he bombed Iraq, how about GHW Bush when he invaded Iraq to  
push them 
out of Kuwait. Was LBJ a Christian fundamentalist when he escalated  the war 
in Vietnam. Was Roosevelt a Christian Fundamentalist when he asked for a  
declaration of war against Japan and Germany? No, I think not. Their decisions  
nothing to do with their religious beliefs. Their decision, as Bush's, were  
based upon the oath they took, to protect and defend the constitution  of The 
United States. If you want to call Bush stubborn or arrogant or  anything else 
you like, that's your judgment. But to blame his decisions based  upon his 
religious beliefs only shows your own ignorance of his religion and  your own 
religious bigotry.

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