--No.  It's OK to play the story game IFF (if and only if); the story 
is actually superior to other stories; and one can back it up with some 
type of evidence.  It appears, Rory's story may be superior to others, 
thus, it's not infantile but appropriate in a discussion having a 
foundation of personal experience, logic, various theories; etc.
 What's hypocritical is the Neo-Advaitins who claim they are NOT 
spouting a story.  They should (to be less hypocritical) just come 
right out and state what they are doing: promoting a story which is 
supposedly superior to the other stories.
 The Dalai Lama plays the story game less than other Enlightened 
people.  When asked by Barbara Walters if he was Enlightened, he 
chuckled and said "no".

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, quantum packet
> <hyperbolicgeometry@> wrote:
> >
> > The Dalai Lama seems to imply that Buddhism has a lot "more" in
> > the relative sense; that accompanies Enlightment; i.e. in the
> > capacity to perform unnamed "feats" for the betterment of mankind. 
> > Looks like a 200% program to me, or 300%, since everything in 
> > Buddhism must occur in threes.
> >     Neo-Advaita - Byron Katie, Eckhart Tolle, Gangaji, etc; doesn't 
> > have these added benefits.
> IOW, you're saying the Buddhist story is superior to the Neo-Advaita
> story. So, Buddhism actually *does* get into such infantile games!

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