---(below - particles are mutually inclusive, the universe within a 
grain of sand); and aspect of HOLOGRAPHY, the concept of which seems 
to have originated with Zhiyi, of the Tien Tai School of Buddhism, 6-
th century. The holographic concept (although not using that word) 
achieved a greater expression and development with Nichiren, 12-
century; and in particular the notion of "3000 realms in a single 
life-moment"; the term "3000" being a symbol for 
basically, "everyting", since in the holographic model, ("Ichinen 
Sanzen" everything is contained within everything else.
 However, each of the particles differs from the others since the 
orientation within and as the hologram is everywhere different. 
(given that space and time are convenient contrivances that prevent 
objects from "appearing" simultaneously in the same space-time). A 
short metaphorical analogy: the blind men examining an elephant: one 
feels the tail, another the trunk, etc; It's all the same elephant.  
Different perspectives generate the notion of separateness.  Here's a 
"The transient world of phenomena is thus seen as one with the 
unchanging, undifferentiated ground of existence. This doctrine was 
elaborated in a complex esoteric cosmology of 3000 interpenetrating 
realms of existence.

Most scholars regard the Tiantai as the first truly Chinese school of 
Buddhist thought. The schools of Buddhism that had existed in China 
prior to the emergence of the Tiantai are generally believed to 
represent direct transplantations from India, with little 
modification to their basic doctrines and methods. The creation of 
the Tiantai school signified the maturation and integration of 
Buddhism in the Chinese context. No longer content to simply 
translate texts received from Indian sources, Chinese Buddhists began 
to apply new analyses to old texts, and even to produce new 
scriptures and commentaries that would attain significant status 
within the East Asian sphere. The Tiantai emphasis on the Lotus Sutra 
would be developed and expanded by the Japanese monk Nichiren, giving 
rise to Nichiren Buddhism- a school of Buddhism seen by some scholars 
as playing a similar role in Japan to that of the Tiantai school in 


 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rory Goff" <rorygoff@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity <no_reply@> wrote:
> > <snip>
> > > When I was asked the same question that you asked Jim and Rory, 
I have
> > > thought, what I would answer from my own very limited 
perspective of
> > > being only an infinitesimal particle of Rory, which I am sure I 
> > <snip>
> > 
> > I might be even more fun if you also admit that *I* am also an 
> > infitesimal particle of You; it works both ways :-)
> That can't be. That overstrains my brain. This turnaround thing has 
> limit, tell this to Byron. You can't be a particle of something, 
> is a particle of you already. What you mean is Indras net: 
> reflects everything else.

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