In a message dated 7/26/07 9:50:23 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

> All  polls until this week consistently reported 10 points less 
> support  for Congress than for the President.
> Fact. Deal with  it.

Shemp, say, "Oops, Judy, you're right, Bush's ratings
are now  lower than those of Congress, and it said so
right in the very article I  was commenting on. I guess
I really should read before I comment on so I  don't
look so incredibly foolish."

As to other facts: In April, a  USA Today/Gallup poll
had Bush at 38 percent, Congress at 33 percent  (5
points, not 10, difference). The same poll on May
15 had Bush at 33  and Congress at 29 (4 points, not
10, difference).

Shemp, say, "Oh,  gee, I got that wrong too; Bush's
ratings have *not* been consistently 10  points
higher than those of Congress. I guess I should have
checked  before spouting off and calling my blooper
a 'fact.'"

In any case,  here's another *real* fact for you:
Congress's approval ratings are  traditionally lower
than those of the president, no matter which  party
is in power. For the president's ratings to sink
lower than those  of Congress is almost unheard-of.

Lets look at a slightly more recent poll since April or May._Americans' 
Confidence in  Congress at All-Time Low_ 

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