>Rory wrote:

> > Yes, I have found as long as "I" am claiming C.C., G.C., or U.C., 
> > and "Brahman" has not yet claimed "me," I am not fully liberated, 
> and 
> > am still attached or bound to experience. 
> > 
> > Along these same lines, when you were asking about how we fall 
> into 
> > ignorance, I find that consciousness *constantly* collapses into 
> the 
> > particle, to experience the effect of our causative and innocent 
> > thought as a created being, to enter into the world of our own 
> > making. If the consciousness *believes* the particle-experience, 
> or 
> > is caught in a given belief, it identifies with the concreteness 
> of 
> > the effect and forgets the subtle simplicity of its own cause; it 
> > finds the bindu to be binding, and experiences the ignorance of 
> the 
> > particle, or more accurately the particle's ignorance of the 
> freedom 
> > of ourself, of That-Self. 
> > 
> > When we remember "Oh, yes, this particle-experience is not me; it 
> is 
> > only one infinitesimal particle in the emptiful, Indefinable, 
> > Ungraspable That-Self," then Brahman remembers itself, and acts 
> > the "Cosmic Consciousness" of the particle -- and so on, as 
> described 
> > earlier :-)

"jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> Hi Rory- yeah, but the diff in Brahman is that consciousness 
> concentrates into the particle, but doesn't really collapse into it-
> in my experience, it remains 'springy' so that the concentration 
> within the particle even feels temporary and playful- same with any 
> focus during thought or activity. So the senses themselves are 
> harnessed by Brahman, if we can say such a thing. So the senses and 
> the overall experience is so much more intense, and yet, it is all 
> ephemeral, like clouds or sunlight.:-)

Right, once free, always free; we are no longer fully identifying 
with the particle, or with ourselves as effect. And yes, the senses 
*are* harnessed by Brahman. Experience, the Universe, is now bound 
and surrounded by us, instead of vice-versa. I was just trying to 
describe the mechanics of how Brahman supports ignorance as well as 
enlightenment, or how we constantly recapitulate incarnation into 
spacetime and transcendence through manifesting and enlightening our 
particles *lol*


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