--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ah, Judy's back from another long, relaxing, 
> rejuvenating weekend away :-), firing off nine
> posts in a row, each distinguished by...uh, wait
> for it...I know it'll come as a surprise...her
> "correcting" someone on this forum and "setting
> them straight" about how the world "really" is
> and what the "truth" about things "really" is.  :-)
> Me, I just "think out loud."
> They're just thoughts. Opinions.
> And, as I've said *many times* here, I DON'T 
> KNOW THE TRUTH. I don't even *believe* in 
> such a thing as "TRUTH."

Which is, it seems, why you make stuff up all
the time.

Such as, for example, putting in quotes, as if
they were words I had used, "setting them
straight." You made that up entirely out of
your own head.

> I'm just thinkin' out loud, trying to figure
> things out, rappin' about subjects that seem
> interesting to me. 
> And y'know...the fascinating thing is that 
> for the last few days, while Judy was away
> *getting* all rejuvenated and refreshed, no
> one here seems to have gotten upset at my
> musings and at my attempts to figure things
> out in my writing. No one accused me of trying
> to "exalt myself." 
> Could it possibly be because I *wasn't*?


> Could the real story be that Judy sees things
> that way, and sees this phenomenon in other
> people (mainly me) because she's projecting 
> what *she* does onto someone else?

Nope. If it were, I'd be seeing it in a lot more
people than just you and Vaj.

> Again, I have no answers here, and no declarations
> of "truth;" I'm just thinkin' out loud. But what
> I *am* thinkin' is that a person who spends almost
> ALL of her posts "correcting" others, and pointing
> out where they are WRONG, DAMMIT, and then going
> on from there to point out all the terrible things
> that *being* WRONG indicates about their character
> just *might* be doing a bit of "exalting herself."

Nope. I just believe that discussion is more
fruitful and opinion more reliable when the
facts cited are actually facts rather than

Everybody, including me, gets their facts
wrong from time to time. That's a reflection
on character only when they've been lazy about
checking first, or when they're deliberately
misrepresenting the facts.

> I understand. Judy seems to have the classic 
> inferiority complex that manifests itself in posing
> as being superior. She chose a profession in which
> she gets to pose as the expert and correct other
> people's writing all day, every day. And then, to
> "relax," she comes here and corrects other people's
> writing all night, every night. The bottom line of
> this lifestyle is that everyone else is consistently
> WRONG, and Judy is consistently RIGHT.

Nope, everything you said in this paragraph
is wrong, including the last sentence.

> Cool, I guess, if that's the kind of fantasy that 
> gets you off and gets you over your feelings of 
> insecurity and non-worth. But it doesn't really
> float my boat.

Right, you make things up to exalt yourself in
the interests of getting over your feelings of
insecurity and non-worth.

How's that workin' for you, Barry?

> So I think I'll continue to just "think out loud"
> here, with NO declarations that my words have anything
> to DO with "truth." They're just opinion, and pretty
> second-rate opinion at that.

That last is the single accurate statement you've
made in this entire post.

 I'd steer clear of them
> if I were you. If you're lookin' for someone to tell
> you how to live and what to think, I'd go for someone
> who seems to enjoy doing that sorta stuff. 
> If you're lookin' for a philosophy and a lifestyle
> to adopt, and someone else's path to follow, rather
> than mine, I'd suggest that you go with Judy's. She
> seems to enjoy presenting it here, as if it's RIGHT,
> and it may well be just the ticket to help you 
> become as happy and as fulfilled as she is. I mean,
> look at what it's done for her...

Editorial comment: If you're going to drop your
g's in an attempt to make yourself seem folksy
and down to earth, you'd do a lot better to be
consistent about it, at least within a paragraph
(preferably within the entire post).

Dropping g's in written material calls attention
to itself anyway, but dropping them inconsistently
makes it painfully obvious that you're doing it
deliberately--but sloppily--for effect, rather
than its being a genuine feature of your style.

Best of all would be not to drop them at all,
because all it really does is make you appear
self-conscious and generally phony. Any editor
would tell you that.

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