--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Ah, Judy's back from another long, relaxing, 
> > rejuvenating weekend away :-), firing off nine
> > posts in a row, each distinguished by...uh, wait
> > for it...I know it'll come as a surprise...her
> > "correcting" someone on this forum and "setting
> > them straight" about how the world "really" is
> > and what the "truth" about things "really" is.  :-)
> > 
> > Me, I just "think out loud."
> > 
> > They're just thoughts. Opinions.
> > 
> > And, as I've said *many times* here, I DON'T 
> > KNOW THE TRUTH. I don't even *believe* in 
> > such a thing as "TRUTH."
> Which is, it seems, why you make stuff up all
> the time.
> Such as, for example, putting in quotes, as if
> they were words I had used, "setting them
> straight." You made that up entirely out of
> your own head.

Someday, Judy, *as* someone who corrects other
people's writing for a living, you might figure
out that a very common usage of quotation marks,
in the absence of italics, is *as* italics, as
a way of highlighting words and phrases. 

Only the truly paranoid would see them as an 
attempt to quote *them* every time they're used.  :-)

<snip to>
> > If you're lookin' for a philosophy and a lifestyle
> > to adopt, and someone else's path to follow, rather
> > than mine, I'd suggest that you go with Judy's. She
> > seems to enjoy presenting it here, as if it's RIGHT,
> > and it may well be just the ticket to help you 
> > become as happy and as fulfilled as she is. I mean,
> > look at what it's done for her...
> Editorial comment: If you're going to drop your
> g's in an attempt to make yourself seem folksy
> and down to earth, you'd do a lot better to be
> consistent about it, at least within a paragraph
> (preferably within the entire post).

Have you ever noticed that, when I say something
that gets your goat and flusters you, you always 
drop into "editor mode" and try to criticize my

While I appreciate the advice, I'll stick to my
own style, thanks. It's mine, as are my ideas. 
When you can say that about your own writing, 
get back to me.  :-)

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