Gurus do meet sometimes. My Guru explains one of the purposes of it in the most 
posts I made with the kalki disciple. Also the Kalki discilple mentions how her 
extends an invitation to Gurus- that's post #147093

Post #147205 covers your understandings about gurus.

Just recently, my Guru met Nityananda, then after that meeting, an open 
invitation was 
given. --- In, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In, "Ron" <sidha7001@> wrote:
> >
> > Should it be that we are in the near and if Mother Meera 
> > is there at the time we are and if you have contact to 
> > Mother Meera, then I am requesting that you let Mother 
> > Meera know that a disciple of my Guru, Swami Ganga-Puri 
> > Kaliuttamananda-Giri is interested to set up a meeting 
> > with Mother Meera.
> May I ask you to expound on what the *purpose*
> of such a meeting would be?
> I mean, it's a little strange. If you were 
> asking because you want to meet her yourself,
> then you ask in your own name, with no refer-
> ence to who you might study with. That's
> irrelevant.
> If you're asking because you want to set up
> a meeting between your teacher and Mother
> Meera, that begs the question of *why* your
> teacher would want such a meeting. The first
> time I ever heard of her were her interactions
> with the Rasa Von Werder ("Woman Thou Art God")
> woman, and I have to tell you that I came away
> from skimming that meeting thinking that both
> women were crazy as loons and that I wouldn't
> trust either of them with my *dog*, much less
> want to learn anything from them myself.
> This is actually a fairly serious question
> for you, Ron. If what you're really after is
> to have your guru meet Mother Meera, *what
> are your expectations* from such a meeting?
> Are you expecting some kind of pissing contest
> that your guru will "win?" Are you expecting
> Mother Meera to say something that you can 
> then use to *promote* your guru and help her
> make more money (which you have said in the 
> past is one of your goals)? Are you just 
> interested in what they might have to say to
> each other?
> I'm asking because if you want her to meet 
> Mother Meera based on some of the *other*
> meetings your guru has had with other teachers,
> you might want to rethink things a little. She
> doesn't come off very well when she gets in
> the same room with someone she sees as a com-
> petitor in the business. In my opinion, of 
> course...your mileage may vary, and probably
> will, because you think she's kinda neat in
> the first place.
> All in all, I'm just asking because it's kind
> of a strange request, even stranger than some
> of your other evangelical activities here.

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