--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <wgm4u@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@> 
> > 
> > > 271:5 ... That future life is reached by two roads; p. 272 
one, the
> > > Devapatha, leading to the world of Brahman (the conditioned),
> > 
> > That would be the path of the Devas/Gods/Angels/Shining Ones or 
> > *dynamism* MMY talks about, conditioned..by space and time.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  beyond
> > > which there lies one other stage only, represented by 
knowledge of and
> > > identity with the unconditioned Brahman; 
> > 
> > The 'unconditioned' Brahman is the *Silence* part of the two fold
> > transcendental absolute, Cosmic Consciousness or Nirvikalpa 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > 
> > > the other leading to the world of the fathers, and from 
thence, after
> > > the reward of good works has been consumed, back to a new 
round of
> > > mundane existence. 
> > 
> > That is the heaven world where one is rewarded for good karma, 
but not
> >  freedom for Samsara, (the wheel of rebirth).
> > 
> > > There is a third road for creatures which live and die, worms,
> > > insects, and creeping things, but they are of little 
> > 
> > 
> > Of little consequence....
> >  
> > > Now it is quite clear that the knowledge which king Kitra 
> > > and which Svetaketu does not possess, is that of the two roads 
> > > death, sometimes called the right and the left, or the 
southern and
> > > northern roads. These roads are fully described in the
> > > Khândogya-upanishad and in the Brihad-âranyaka, with certain
> > > variations, yet on the whole with the same purpose. 
> > 
> > The Northern road is the upward path of the prana leading to the 
> > chakra or spiritual illumination and freedom from rebirth.
> >  
> > > The northern or left road, called also the path of the Devas, 
> > > on from light and day to the bright half of the moon;
> > 
> > Up the spine to the brain.
> > 
> >  the southern or
> > > right road, called also the path of the fathers, passes on 
from smoke
> > > and night to the dark half of the moon. 
> > 
> > Back to rebirth due to unworked out karma.
> > 
> >  
> > > Both roads therefore meet in the moon, but diverge afterwards. 
> > > the northern road passes by the six months when the sun moves 
> > > the north, through the sun, (moon,) and the lightning to the 
world of
> > > Brahman, the southern passes by the six months when the sun 
> > > towards the south, to the world of the fathers, the ether, and 
> > moon. 
> > 
> > One is temporary enlightenment (return to rebirth) and one is
> > permanent (no return).
> >  
> > > The great difference, however, between the two roads is, that 
> > > those who travel on the former do not return again to a new 
life on
> > > earth, but reach in the end a true knowledge of the 
> > > Brahman, those who pass on to the world of the fathers and the 
> > > return to earth to be born again and again.
> > 
> > Until they take the Northern path....
> >  
> > > http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/sbe01/sbe01239.htm
> > 
> > The northern and southern paths are symbolic of the two 
directions of
> > the kundalini shakti, Northern going up towards Cosmic 
> > or the brain and Southern coming downwards towards the body or
> > reincarnation.
> Thanks.
I am thoroughly enjoying this, though I have a slightly different 
perspective; that of seeing the change in direction of the kundalini 
shakti, from south to north, as a natural evolution for all of us, 
eventually. There are so many rebirths taking us down into the 
southern kundalini, each creating strong impressions from the 
senses, towards the seat of the senses, until we learn the lesson, 
after many lifetimes, that happiness doesn't lie in that direction. 
Surrendering slowly (tamasically) to that which leads us 
(rajasically) upwards, northward, (satvically) in the direction away 
from the senses, into the Celestial realms, towards that which is 
quieter and subtler, until we surrender, to balance, to Being; 
become Brahman. 

Freedom from rebirth, or seen another way, freedom to be reborn 
instantaneously, expanding over and over, always experiencing an 
expanding Universal existence, satisfying the senses through a 
confident and never ending newness of experience, becoming at once 
everything, or just a personal sliver; become Brahman.:-)

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