--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well fellas and any women,
> No matter what gets posted anywhere, there is going to be a 
> big range of reactions and responses. When it comes to certain 
> things like Gurus, there may be a strong reaction. This is 
> probably why there is a barbed wire fence surrounding Maharishi 
> house with 24 hour security and a German sheppard.

Bzzzzzt. Thank you for playing, but wrong answer.

This is the "Even though *I* know the truth there
are people out there not so fortunate, so they are
going to react to hearing the truth with skepticism
and anger and possibly even violence" answer.

In other words, it's the cultist's answer.

It's the self importance answer. It's the "I'm just 
telling them the truth, and if they don't react to 
that truth the way I want them to, it's because 
they're not evolved enough to see it" answer. 

What I've been trying to communicate to you since
you started this evangelize-to-the-poor-downtrodden-
campaign is that there are other ways of seeing
the situation than the way you currently see it.

One of them is that you spent decades believing 
what one teacher told you, without ever questioning
the validity of anything he said, and now it appears
that you're doing exactly the same thing with another 
teacher. You seem to feel that this is progress on 
your part. I'm not sure that everyone here agrees 
with you.

> My reason for posting is I am enjoying it. I think some of 
> the posts I have sent have been really profound and different. 
> At least this brings a different variety to this forum, one 
> of a mixture of many other things here.

I agree, and you have every right to continue posting
these things. 

Just as I have the right to occasionally point out
that you sound a lot like someone who has merely
traded one authority figure for another, with no
pause in between to practice discrimination.

When asked about what *you* believe, you respond
with your teacher's words, not your own. When asked
specific questions about the practices you perform
with Swami G or her credentials or whatever, again
you respond *with her words*, as if those words
are synonymous with Truth.

Not all of us are convinced of the accuracy of the
equation:  SwamiGsaysIt = Truth

What we *are* convinced of by this time is the 
accuracy of another equation:

SwamiGsaysIt = Ron *believes* it is the Truth

The two are not the same.

I am not for a moment suggesting that you don't firmly
believe the things that are being told to you. And I
do not for a moment think that you are doing this out
of anything other than a sense of inspiration and a
desire to share it. 

I'm merely pointing out something you seem to have
missed, that you're acting a lot like a parrot. 

SwamiG sez this, SwamiG sez that. Who CARES what SwamiG
says? What do YOU think about things? That's FAR more
interesting to me than anything she has to say. 

> If by chance, these posts help someone then great, weather 
> it is voiced or not, doesn't matter. If one voices that 
> they enjoyed a post and it was helpfull, fine. If one is 
> very upset with my post, well, could happen- no way I am 
> going to appeal to everyone. Even if it is zero, whatever 
> it is, it is ok. 

Cool, I guess. 

You're obviously going to continue your evangelistic
efforts, no matter what anyone says. Good for you, if
it makes you feel like you're doing something valuable.

But *as* you continue them, you'll have to forgive me
(and others who have spoken up recently) if we point
out when you're starting to sound like a fairly naive
cultist who is just believing anything that his gooroo
tells him to believe.

Just as you are providing information on how things
are done in your new study, we are occasionally provid-
ing *you* with information on how those actions and
practices are viewed in other studies and traditions
and lineages. Sometimes the things you mention about
how Swami G does business just raise big red flags for
us, because we've seen those flags raised and dealt
with in other traditions. They're "dead end" practices
that lead, over time, to confusion in the students
and dependence on the teacher. Fine, I guess, if what
you really want to become is confused and dependent
on your teacher. But if what you're looking for is 
freedom, that might not be the path you want to take.

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