--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Let's face it...after years of promises and
> no delivery on them, TMers were just prime
> sucker bait. They'd flock around *anyone* 
> who pretended to be knowledgeable or who
> would tell them Woo Woo stuff they couldn't
> get from Maharishi or the regular TM teachers.
> Spice up the Woo Woo stories with a liberal
> dash of "You're special because you're here
> hearing all this special knowledge," and you've
> got a sure-fire mini-cult on your hands. And in
> my opinion that's exactly what Charlie wanted,
> and got.
> It all comes back to my rap the other day on
> Not Easily Impressed. People who *are* easily
> impressed by a good line of bullshit straight
> from a Theosophical Society book are just 
> sucker bait waiting for a sucker to take
> advantage of them. Just look at the numbers
> of TMers who are impressed by someone who can
> zap them with a bit of minor shakti. After
> years and years of nothing, they look upon
> even the smallest something as if it's mean-
> ingful and the best thing since sliced bread.
> And, before anyone comes rushing in to accuse
> me of "TM bashing" again, this phenomenon is
> NOT limited to TM and TMers. It's across the
> board, in almost every spiritual trip I've
> ever encountered. People bring their desires
> to see and hear flashy stuff to the ball with
> them, and *of course* the teachers dance with
> them and tell them exactly what they want to
> hear. And people eat it up, because it makes
> them feel all special to know things that
> lesser, not-as-special-as-we-are humans don't.
> Why do you think Nabby like Benny Creme? Same
> thing, in spades. Tell people they're hearing
> the "real stuff," directly from the disembodied
> Great Savior Of Mankind Who Never Shows Up, and
> they pee all over themselves with "specialness."
> Charlie Lutes was just a guy who had read a lot
> of silly shit, that's all. He laid it on thick
> because the people in the audiences *wanted* 
> him to lay it on thick. And they knew that they
> couldn't get this stuff from Maharishi or the
> "straight" TM teachers. So they flocked around
> Charlie because he made them feel all superior
> and special.
> And clearly, they still do, because believing
> that Charlie was just an ordinary guy who could
> sling a line of Someone Else's Bullshit pretty
> well would mean that maybe they *aren't* so
> special after all. And that's unthinkable.

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