In a message dated 9/3/07 10:58:12 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

> The problem here is that Judaism doesn't teach reincarnation. "It  
> appointed for man to die once then be judged". The corruption  of 
the church you 
> mention, paying for penance, came long after  the death of Christ. 
However tithing 
> is an Old Testament  tradition, not to gain salvation, but to reap 
> blessings of  God. The "whole thing" about Jesus dying for our sins 
was established  
> long before the Romans had anything to do with the church. It was  
a Jewish 
> thing at the time. "Christianity" was a Jewish cult or  sect for the 
> hundred years or so and Jesus was looked upon  as being 
the "ultimate" Passover 
> lamb who's blood protected one  from the wages of sin, which is 
death and 
> damnation through  separation from God. Also the shedding of a lambs 
blood was the 
>  prescribed method or sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin. The 
blood was  taken 
> and sprinkled over the mercy seat where God met with his high  
priest. Under 
> the mercy seat were placed the Ten Commandments, in  the Arch, and 
God did not 
> see the law through the blood thus did  not judge one by the law. 
Jesus was 
> looked upon as a Priestly  King who shed his own blood for the 
remission of sin 
> and it is  his blood that is placed over the mercy seat so God the 
Father does  
> not judge one by the law. You either believe it or you don't. Of  
> another picture of Christ in the Torah is when Moses  placed a 
bronze serpent on a 
> flag standard, a cross, so those  that had been bitten by snakes 
and scorpions 
> could sit beneath it  and gaze upon it with faith and be healed. 
The snake 
> was a  prophecy of Jesus becoming pure sin while on the cross, 
taking on the  
> sins of those that believed. So none of this had anything to do  
with the Romans 
> trying to suck money out of the pockets of the  people. It was 
about Jewish 
> prophecies in the Torah and  Tenach.
You mention blood a lot;
Are you a Vampire, by any  chance?
What's all this blood stuff.
I'm Jewish, and the same genetic  stuff, that Jesus came from.
I don't need any blood sacrifices, anymore, do  you?
"I want to bite your neck, darling...(only kidding)...
Now, they  say that Tom Cruise is a little weird, with the Scientology  
But, if you ask me, there is no stranger religion or blood  cult, than 
the Roman Catholic Church.
How it still exists, is beyond  me; people are such brain-washed sheep,
I reacon...
It is very true that  Jesus himself, was a Jew, and that most of his 
followers and all of his  disciples were Jews.
This is a fact.
It is also a fact, that the Jewish  method of execution was for the 
condemned to be stoned to death.
The  Roman method was crucifixion, where the body was allowed to dry 
and rot in  the sun for days. Many, many Jewish people were murdered 
in that way, and  in that time.
Also, the Romans brought the believers in Jesus from Judah to  Rome to 
participate in the blood sports they conducted in their  Colleseum;
So, most, if not all of the early believers in Jesus were  killed, and 
to believe in Jesus, meant death in the Roman Empire, at that  time.
Soon after that, the Romans destroyed the territory of Isreal, in  
around 74 A.D. and scattered the Jews throughout Europe and Asia.
Then  the Roman Empire adopted Christianity, for the official state 
religion of  the Roman Empire, in the 4th- 5th century's.
The Romans wanted to de-Jewify  the writings, to make it into a Roman 
religion, and not as it was  originally intended:
As an evolution of Jewish thought, to one of love and  forgiveness, of 
the eternity of the soul, how to heal useing meditation  and listening 
to your heart. How not to follow the God of Rome, the God of  Greed, 
and the God of Lust.
Instead, the Romans, made Jesus into their  new Emporer, different 
than the rest of us;
They miss the whole point  of Jesus' - that God is inside YOU...
Not in the church, not in the priest,  and certainly not in Rome.
Rome is about buildings, and control, and  materialism, and murder, 
rape, pilliging, confusing the masses, propping  up the upper classes 
on ego trips, eating until they vomit, and orgies,  sex means nothing.
They used Jesus' death to symbolize their Roman  religion.

An excruciating torture and death device: Crucifixion- (makes  Cheney 
look like kindergarten)lo

This is why you see so much  perversion in the Roman Catholic Church, 
child molestation, really evil  stuff!
And back in the day, they had orgies with some of the old  Popes,
And all the silent Catholics during WW-2 where millions of Jewish  
people, the people of Jesus' tribe were demonically murdered, by a  so-
called civilized people?

So, as you can see, I don't have a  whole lot of respect for the Roman 
Catholic Church, how can  you?


The blood issue, you will need to take up with the Almighty, read your  
Torah. <I don't have a lot of respect for the Roman Catholic Church either.  It 
taught anti- Semitism through *replacement theology* which is not the  teaching 
of Christ and the Catholic Church became corrupted in all kinds of  ways. The 
blood of the messiah, the perfect Passover lamb, was the last drop of  blood 
that needed to be shed for the remission of sin and put an end to that  
practice, also the tearing of the curtain in the temple, at the time of Jesus'  
that separated ordinary men from communion with God was symbolic  that man no 
longer needed an earthly priest to intercede for him before God,  something 
Catholics still practice. Religions are corruptible. Jesus referred to  the 
Pharisees of his time as being Brooder vipers, and whited sepulchers, all  
and white on the outside but nothing but dead men's bones and  corruption on 
the inside. He said they stood in the doorway to the Kingdom of  heaven and 
didn't enter and refused to let others pass. Yes, religion can be  corrupted 
time as they all have been. But Christ didn't come to teach a new  religion, 
he came to teach how to have a relationship with God and  those  gentiles that 
follow his teaching are called *Christians* although  there are many more 
that are *cultural Christians* just as there are Cultural  Jews who don't 
necessarily follow Judaism or seek a relationship with God  through the laws of 
Moses.< As for the title of this thread, *Jesus did not  die for our sins*, Let 
print here what the prophet Isaiah said some 700 years  BC. Isaiah 52,13 & 53. 
 The Lord's Suffering  Servant. See, my servant will prosper; he will be 
highly exalted. Many were  amazed when they saw him-beaten and bloodied, so 
disfigured one would scarcely  know he was a person.And he will again startle 
nations. Kings will stand  speechless in his presence. For they will see what 
they had not previously been  told about; they will understand what they had 
not heard about. Who has believed  our message? To whom will the Lord reveal 
saving power? My servant grew up  in the Lord's presence like a tender green 
shoot,sprouting from a root in dry  and sterile ground. There was nothing 
beautiful or majestic about his  appearance, nothing to attract us to him. He 
despised and rejected-a man of  sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief. We 
turned our backs on him and looked  the other way when he went by. He was 
despised, and we did not care. Yet it was  our weaknesses he carried;it was our 
sorrows that weighed him down. And we  thought his troubles were a punishment 
from God for his sins! But he was wounded  and crushed for our sins. He was 
beaten that we might have peace. He was  whipped, and we were healed! All of us 
have strayed away like sheep. We have  left God's paths to follow our own.Yet 
Lord laid on him the guilt and sins  of us all. <He was oppressed and treated 
harshly, yet he never said a word.  He was led as a lamb to the slaughter. 
And as a sheep is silent before the  shearers, he did not open his mouth. From 
prison and trial they led him away to  his death. But who among the people 
realized that he was dying for their sins-  that he was suffering their 
punishment? He had done no wrong, and he never  deceived anyone. But he was 
buried like 
a criminal; he was put in a rich man's  grave.< But it was the Lord's good 
plan to crush him and fill him with grief.  Yet when his life is made an 
for sin, he will have a multitude of  children and many heirs. He will enjoy 
long life, and the Lord's plan will  prosper in his hands. When he sees all 
that is accomplished by his anguish, he  will be satisfied. And because of what 
he has experienced, my righteous servant  will make it possible for many to be 
counted righteous, for he will bear all  their sins. I will give him the 
honors of one who is mighty and great, because  he exposed himself to death. He 
was counted among those who were sinners. He  bore the sins of many and 
interceded for  sinners.  

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