>From the book of the above name subtitled: From Awakening to
Enlightenment by Donna Lee Gorrell (daughter of THE famous jazz
musician of the same last name)

from the top of the first para of the intro.

I was naive when my spiritual journey began, I wanted growth without
change, wisdom without experience, security without sacrifice, and
life without death. I wanted to swim in the waters of eternity without
getting wet. Instead, I found myself immersed in unfathomable darkness
with no trace of where I'd been and no glimmer of where to go, lost in
the void of my own mind and convinced I was going crazy. I had no way
of knowing I was on the path to enlightenment.

third para:
We find ourselves slipping deeper into uncharted layers of
consciousness. Our comfort zone of sameness feels violated. One moment
our mind is flooded with understanding; the next on the brink of
insanity. Self-doubt permeates our being, and we experience symptoms
paralleling mental illness, even borderline psychosis. We wonder if
the only difference between insanity and sanity lies in the ability to
BE crazy without ACTING crazy.

Seems to be describing some of the posters here. Enjoy., Tom

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