gullible fool wrote:". . . SNIP . . .members on permanent block to
avoid their inane drivel."


In the abstract, the phrase "inane drivel" seems harmless enough, but
hmmm, I'm uncomfortable if I'm expected to espouse that it is okay to
label others like this -- "inane drivel" slips quite easily into being
a glittering generality that is way too broad.

As a former Special Education teacher, I can tell you that "inane
drivel" is not a reason to eschew a person.  We're all capable of
being inane, and when it impacts us, probably is a good time to
practice compassion -- here compassion's highest expression would be
simple indifference.

Hoping you are not strongly challenged by drivel, but that if drivel
is your karma, you can transcend it and show us all the forbearance
you are capable of.

Sincerely yours,


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