TurquoiseB wrote: ..... Bronte, It might help you to put it in
perspective that what I was replying TO when I made that crack was
some newbie getting all pompous and trying (in her first post to the
forum, no less) to lecture everyone here on how they should conduct
themselves, on a forum she had obviously not spent very much time

Edg: Turq, this word "obviously" is not so easily validated.  It
smacks of an ad hominem attack in that it SEEMS to imply that Bronte
has a personality that is "not up to Turq's standards of message board
scholarship and thus deficient to some degree and in need of fixing."
  I don't think that the cogency she's shown us thus far deserves this
kind of treatment.  

In fact, she told us all that she'd been lurking, so if that's true,
her "lack" of seeing the "whole picture" that you seem to "have" comes
down to her having a POV different from yours. There's tons of wiggle
room in which I can have the thought that Bronte is not a "yokel
lacking insight and unconcerned about it."  However "lite" you've been
in your "labeling," I do feel that, indeed, labeling has occurred.

If a ten year old child somehow started posting here, we'd all handle
the child with, ahem, kid gloves, ya?  Bronte may indeed need to do
more reading to get a feel for "this place," but it she were a ten
year old who had not read widely enough, the group would throw a cream
pie in YOUR face for "chiding the child" and "expecting too much too
soon from a "starter nervous system."  

I think we need to treat each other with this kind of delicacy if
we're to turn around the flaming here.

Now, to add to your understanding, let me testify that I too lurked
for years here, and when I started posting, I thought I knew the
score, but I was quite off about most folks here, and I found out in
short order that the reactions of others to my thoughts are quite
different than I would have predicted.  Suddenly, the "trolls popped"
and I could see them as I had never seen them before -- but only after
they'd reacted to me.  In short, it may be very hard to "get a feel
for a place" by merely lurking.  It's one thing to read the words of a
troll, it's another thing to read the words of a troll about "me." 
Then it becomes personal, and the flaming of the troll is felt much
more deeply than if the troll had attacked someone else.

Edg The Antiflamer

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