from Perfect Madness, from awakening to enlightenment by Donna Lee
Gorrell page 121:

The third eye is the beacon to the inner universe that sees the inner
and outer as inseparable. This eye sees all creation as unified and
yet permits one to operate within the world of complexities and
multitudes. The opening of the third eye is the opening of knowledge,
which is understanding and experiencing---in unison---life's
phenomena. When the third eye opens, the intellect and the emotions,
thoughts and feelings, can finally work together--as one.

The opening of the third eye is the pure and simple cognitive ability
to see living Truth, unfettered and pure. Truth is not something we
can put our finger on or file away as real or pertinent. It cannot
even be written or talked about with any accuracy, for words are only
pointers. The most amazing thing about the opening of the third eye is
that it sees Truth as alive. Untouched by human intellect, unstirred
by emotion, and undivided in its purpose. Truth is the living
principle upon which the universe was and is created.

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